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Business Calendar 2 (open)

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458 results found

  1. One hand operation - Top menu to the bottom

    One hand operation
    Add the option o move the top menu of the calendar to the bottom, above the favorites bar to improve one hand operation. My tumb doesnt reach the top of the screen. The whole menu band (with all the options there).

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  2. I would like to see another privacy option 'confidential'

    ical spec as documented on
    shows three classification values:
    Currently, only PUBILC and PRIVATE are implemented in BC, while other programs and ical-servers also use confidential (e.g. owncloud, thunderbird lightning).
    With classification set to 'confidential', shared events will only show timeframe and 'busy' as description, no further details.

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  3. BC widget for lockscreen - confidentiality customisable

    Create an widget for the lockscreen page in Android.

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  4. Option to change the colour of the font in the dark theme

    I would be grateful if you considered giving users an option to change the colour of the font in the dark theme. The contrast between the text and the background is too low so I'd like to be able to improve the readability of my events' notes and details by making the font lighter. An alternative solution would be providing users with a dark theme that has a light-coloured/white font.

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  5. Hide periodic tasks till occurrence

    It would be great if you could hide periodic tasks till the next occurrence or even "X days" before due date in the widgets (agenda and tasks widget, to be more specific).

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  6. Sub-Tasks should have the same due-date as parent tasks, by default

    Of course it is great to have the possibility of different due-dates, but usually the Sub-tasks will have the same due-date as the parent task. It is very annoying to set the due-date for each individual subtask (as it can not be done while creating them, only later). This also introduces a problem with Google Calendar integration, as the "date-less" subtasks are not shown properly.
    The easiest solution would be to give sub-tasks automatically the same due-date of the parent task (with the option to edit it of course)

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  7. Widget: button to return to today

    Current: If you scroll using the widget to see future events, you must (remember) to scroll back to the top once to see today's events.

    Proposed: The widget should automatically, after a period of inactivity, return to displaying events for today.

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  8. Week & Day view/widget: event end time

    I want to have the beginninh hours and the end hours on the weekly calendar like the old version, il you take a train or an airplane this is very helpfull

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  9. Calendar attachment sync to Nextcloud (DavX)

    Implement posibility to upload / share attachment through Nextcloud or similiar server. Now only Google or Dropbox possible.

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  10. Simple: Automatic event / task time adjustment

    Simple: Automatic event / task time adjustment
    In many applications, when you create a new task, the automatically suggested time is the next round hour (or the next half hour). I would like to be able to define that the time will be chosen according to this and not at a predetermined time (the so-called "due-time" in the settings).
    It has an advantage in itself, but especially when it comes to adding quick reminders. In my opinion, many of the reminders we add during the day (and especially quick reminders) are short-term reminders that we want them to jump within…

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  11. Agenda View: Change font color of the header elements

    Almost all sizes can be changed except the day in the agenda. The day (e.g. Monday) is hard to recognize beside the big date.

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  12. Display outline only (not solid fill) for pending invites

    Same as Google Calendar (both web version and app), have events for which one has been invited but not accepted have a transparent fill and only outline coloured - only accepted invitations or events created by oneself having solid fill:
    This is very helpful to identify events where attendance has been confirmed/not, specially in Weekly view.

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  13. Drag&Drop in Month-View (watch video)

    Best way to move things around:
    Watch video:

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  14. Favorite bar: allow manual sort order (drag & drop?)

    Die Reihenfolge der als Favoriten markierten Kalender bzw.
    Kalendergruppen hängt bisher ab von der Reihenfolge, in der sie
    als Favoriten markiert wurden:
    „Hint 2: Please not, that the sort order of the calendars
    in the bar, depends on the order you marked them with the star

    Wenn ich nun z.B. in einer Kalendergruppe eine Änderung mache,
    ohne irgendetwas bei den Markierungen als Favorit zu ändern,
    rutscht diese Kalendergruppe dennoch ans rechte Ende der
    Favoritenleiste. Wenn ich sie nun wieder links am Anfang meiner
    Favoriten haben will, muss ich ziemlich umständlich alle anderen
    Favoriten demarkieren und danach wieder markieren.

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  15. 22 votes

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  16. Option to name the widgets when using idividual calendars in widgets

    Since I use two individual calendar widgets it would be nice to name them in the header to easily recognise them, for instance one widget named work the other kids hobbies

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  17. Option to increase font sizes in data enter mode.

    In display mode, I can enlarge text so much I can read it from across the room, but in data entry mode the unchangeable default font is so small that there are times (low light conditions, too much wine, etc.) when I can hardly see what I'm writing - and my eyesight is nearly 20/20!

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  18. Past event fading in widget too

    fade past event in widget.
    There is a completion button for each schedule, and pressing the Finish button becomes a fade

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  19. Define ORGANIZER for each calendar

    Currently it is not possible to define ORGANIZER field per calendar. I asked the fellows from DAVDroid to implement this but they say that is a calendar feature and has to be implemented by vendors of calendar apps.

    Without the possibility to define different addresses for different calendars the invitation function for events is quite unusable.

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  20. Clock widget

    Great widget idea, look at sectograph app on Google play.

    Will be great to have such widget and day view in BC2. Even better will be to see this widget on lock screen. Just imagine double tap screen to see time and today events!

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Business Calendar 2 (open)


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