Please add option to make the spacing between tasks and in agenda view smaller; the same would be also nice in widgets

Michael commented
I would like to use the Agenda widget to get an overview of my upcoming tasks.
The agenda widget is quite nice but could be more compact if it would be possible to have the date and day in the same line as the task. That way it would be possible to show more events with the same widget height.
Also the current date, it would be great to have it left of the tasks and not in a separate line. My current view shows me ONE SINGLE event. First line is current data and some buttons. Next line is event date. Than one event and the next line is the date for the next event - end of the widget height.
Of course, I can disable the date and all buttons but then I cannot configure the widget anymore and the current date would still be nice. -
Moritz Schött commented
Hey guys,
Can you please make the spacing between the lines in the Agenda wigdet adjustible? I use the day widget on my homescreen as it doesnt has a top row. It would also ne nice to move the add und settings buttons to the left...
Thanks for your work! -
P. Werner commented
It would be cool to be able to decide how long the time between to separating lines is.