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Business Calendar 2 (open)

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Remember that your posts and votes just give us an idea of currently most-wanted features. An implementation can’t be guaranteed.

489 results found

  1. "Highlight today" in "Day list" widget

    Highlighting today's events would really made people pay more attention to it, which I think is very useful feature.

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  2. Day number display

    An option to display the day (of the year) number on each day. For example today Mar 30 is the 89th day of the year.

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  3. finer grid in drag&drop mode

    I think 30min is to coarse. I would prefer a 15min grid while I view 16 hours of a day

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  4. Gantt view for selected calendars

    Please add a Gantt view for selected calendars such as Microsoft Outlook.

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  5. Easily adjust event length from Event Edit screen.

    Please consider an option to make it easier to edit the length of Events from the Event Edit screen.

    The app aCalender makes it very easy to adjust the length of Events with four buttons to adjust the End Time on the Add/Edit Event screen:
    +15 m
    -15 m
    + 1 h
    -1 h

    Adding these buttons to the Edit Event screen of Business Calendar would be very useful for users whose events do not ofter have a consistent time length.

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  6. Global Calendar icon (parent icon for all events in one calendar)

    It would be nice to have "global event icon" or "parent icon" for every calendar, not only for single event.

    For example: I have some google calendars of my family members (my wife's calendar, my daughter's calendar). I see their events and I want to set global icon for every event from their calendar. For example photo of my wife for my wife's events and photo of my daughter for her events. So it would be great to have an option to set an icon for the whole calendar. It will be useful especially in Agenda widget.

    Of course, if…

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  7. 14 votes

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  8. Adjustable widget-header

    I would like to adjust the size of the header of the widget to personal preferences so it is easier to read day and date

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  9. More options in number of shades (year view)

    Please add the option of "1" and "2" in number of shades (year view). This is an helpful feature (and easy to add...) when browsing calendars with few events per day. Users may select only one calendar (holidays, for example) and quickly glance the distribution of events over the year.
    Currently, days with one event appear in very light colors are do not pop up for easy visualization.

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  10. Store task recurrence information metadata in the description field

    Please store the task recurrence information in the Notes/Description field so that it stays with the task across different devices.
    The current implementation of task recurrence stores this information only on the device where it is set. Meaning, a recurring task will be removed if checked on a different device. Since I'm using BC2 on phone and tablet, this means I have to set dozens of tasks repeatedly whenever the app is reinstalled (I'm using Beta sometimes) or a new device added. If a device is lost, all recurrence information is lost, which is bad for the tasks that have…

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  11. Daily Briefing

    A daily briefing to show all events and tasks for the current day at a specified time. This is similar too or SolCalendar.

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  12. You added a nice feature of emoticons, I suggest, You may add emoticons also in SEARCH Option.

    You added a nice feature of emoticons,
    I suggest, You may add emoticons also in SEARCH Option,
    So I can search all events that have this emoticon.

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  13. i want to be able to export my Business Calendar to an excel spreadsheet.

    Because when I do an export, the file shows up as empty on my SD card. Not sure why. Exporting to an email doesn't work either. I would like to export to an excel file so I can go bck and look at it whenever I want.

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  14. Week & Agenda View: Hide weekends / Hide Saturday and Sunday

    -Hide Saturday and Sunday in week view.
    -Both in full app and widgets.

    -Reason being in where viewing under week view, quite often have fully blank columns for sat and sun which is not useful.
    -EG., on Friday viewing 3 days of calendar starting on current day, I have 2 blank columns. Much more prefer to see Fri, Mon,Tues

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  15. Show start and end time of event in notficiation

    Currently only the start time of the event is shown in notifications.
    Please also add the end-time:

    e.g. 9:00 - 10:00 instead of 9:00

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  16. UI to specify notifications as date&time

    When adding a notification for an event, it's only possible to specify the notification time as relative to the event time (X hours in advance, etc.). It would be useful to have another option that allows to specify the notification time as given date&time.

    If it's technically difficult to remember the notification time this way, it'd be enough if BC automatically converted it to an offset, so this could be merely a UI addition (another possibility in the list of notification offsets when adding a notification or when postponing it). The calendar application DigiCal has this functionality.

    Example use case:…

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  17. I want to have grid line for month viewd

    Grid line for month view please.

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  18. Caldav VTODO support

    This feature request is already present here, I am just formulating the request a bit more generic:

    What is needed is support of VTODO objects inside ical files. technical details: Currently the standard business calendar only displays VEVENT objects.

    This would solve all other requests for Owncloud/Nextcloud and tasks support

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  19. iCalendar-Eigenschaft `status` sollte verwendet werden

    In der neuesten BC2-Version (2.38.0) können Termine erfreulicherweise als abgesagt markiert werden, aber leider wird dafür nicht die iCalendar-Eigenschaft status ( verwendet, sondern ein proprietärer Mechanismus.

    Exportiere ich ein Ereignis als ICS und sehe mir den Inhalt an, steht dort u.a.:

    DESCRIPTION:nullBC2-Status: Cancelled

    Zwecks verbesserter Interoperabilität mit anderen Clients wünsche ich mir, daß STATUS auf CANCELLED gesetzt wird, wie in RFC5545 spezifiziert (wobei ich auch keinen Doktorgrad in RFC5545-ologie habe).


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  20. Sub-Tasks should have the same due-date as parent tasks, by default

    Of course it is great to have the possibility of different due-dates, but usually the Sub-tasks will have the same due-date as the parent task. It is very annoying to set the due-date for each individual subtask (as it can not be done while creating them, only later). This also introduces a problem with Google Calendar integration, as the "date-less" subtasks are not shown properly.
    The easiest solution would be to give sub-tasks automatically the same due-date of the parent task (with the option to edit it of course)

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