Link events to multiple calendars
This may have been suggested before, but with the ever increasing number of calendars that I follow, it would be EXTREMELY helpful to have the ability to assign an event to MULTIPLE calendars - rather than a single one.
I'm not as concerned as to how this is implemented, as much as the ability to do it. If, by assigning the event to multiple calendars, the app simply created the same event on all assigned calendars, that could be ok - IF the app just had the ability to recognize identical events and show them only once.
I'm sure this likely isn't a "simple" problem which is why it doesn't exist yet, but with everyone's lives starting to revolve around shared calendars, it would be super helpful!
I'd be happy to assist the BC team with thinking through the feature and trying to identify ways to implement this and account for changes,etc.
Please take some time to consider adding this feature! Otherwise, I love the app and have been using it for years.
Tom commented
Wenn ich einen Termin hinzufüge, kann ich wählen ob ich es in meinem Exchang Kalender vom Büro oder dem Google Kalender, welcher ich mit meiner Frau teile, eintragen will. Besser wäre es, wenn es noch ein + (plus) hätte und ich den Eintrag in beide Kalender gleichzeitig eintragen kann. So könnte ich ein Geschäflichen Termin der am Abend stattfindet in beiden Kalender gleichzeitig eintragen und muss nicht immer eine Kopie machen.