Store task recurrence information metadata in the description field
Please store the task recurrence information in the Notes/Description field so that it stays with the task across different devices.
The current implementation of task recurrence stores this information only on the device where it is set. Meaning, a recurring task will be removed if checked on a different device. Since I'm using BC2 on phone and tablet, this means I have to set dozens of tasks repeatedly whenever the app is reinstalled (I'm using Beta sometimes) or a new device added. If a device is lost, all recurrence information is lost, which is bad for the tasks that have an end date or a limited number of occurrences.
Other apps (i.e. CalenGoo or aCalendar) have solved this by adding metadata to the Notes field either at the beginning or at the end.
Claudio Salvio commented
Hello Allen
Going a little further with your proposal, it would be very useful to have a system of variables that allows inserting any type of event metadata (except the description) in the description field.
I usually interact with Google Calendar using functions from a PowerShell module called PSGSuite.
When I use the Get-GSCalendarEvent function I get an object with the following properties: AnyoneCanAddSelf, Attachments, Attendees, AttendeesOmitted, CalendarId, ColorId, ConferenceData, Created, CreatedRaw, Creator, Description, End, EndTimeUnspecified, ETag, ExtendedProperties, Gadget, GuestsCanInviteOthers, GuestsCanModify , GuestsCanSeeOtherGuests, HangoutLink, HtmlLink, ICalUID, Id, Kind, Location, Locked, Organizer, OriginalStartTime, PrivateCopy, Recurrence, RecurringEventId, Reminders, Sequence, Source, Start, Status, Summary, Transparency, Updated, UpdatedRaw, User, Visibility
I assume those properties are what Google exposes through the API.
I think it would be very useful to be able to access them in the event descriptions using something like, for example: {{UpdateRaw}} -
Alen Šiljak commented
Actually, there is no need for this workaround if CalDav tasks (OpenTasks) are supported as this feature is built-in.
Kevin A. Pereira commented
Agree. Good idea. Emoticons are already handled this way, why not Task? After all this is BUSINESS Calendar and not TOY Calendar.