More options in number of shades (year view)
Please add the option of "1" and "2" in number of shades (year view). This is an helpful feature (and easy to add...) when browsing calendars with few events per day. Users may select only one calendar (holidays, for example) and quickly glance the distribution of events over the year.
Currently, days with one event appear in very light colors are do not pop up for easy visualization.
Jürgen Keller commented
In der Jahresansicht gibt es zwei Optionen, die Farben nach Anzahl oder Länge der Termine/Tag einzustellen. Bitte hier noch eine dritte Option hinzufügen: "ohne Farben". Ich benötige manchmal einfach nur einen Jahreskalender zur Übersicht und das wird durch dieses bunte Chaos sehr erschwert.
Takashi YAMAGUCHI commented
It is possible to add an option to change the color of Year view according to the day of the week? For example, gray for weekday, blue for Saturday and red for Sunday. This option can make an appearance of Year view very simple as like paper calendar.
Current option of color coding is only 2: "According to the event number" and "According to the event length". However, I feel the appearance of Year view is not so good.
laurentiu.vadan commented
Hello, I'd like to te be able to cancel the color gradation in the year view. I would like to have it nice and clean - just the numbers