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Business Calendar 2 (open)

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Remember that your posts and votes just give us an idea of currently most-wanted features. An implementation can’t be guaranteed.

305 results found

  1. MONTH VIEW: day & week number font colors

    When in Month Calendar view, the day numbers can be difficult to read depending on the background or theme used. Please add the ability for users to be able to change the font colors for the day numbers, INCLUDING the current day font color. Thank You.

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  2. Tasks smartlists and filtering

    Please bring back smartlists for tasks (i.e. show event withing the next 4 days etc.) and also the ability to hide completed tasks in the task view! It would be better to just hide than delete completed tasks.

    Note that I am not talking about hiding completed tasks from the calendar month view, but specifically the task view.

    Thank you for a great app! :D

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  3. Support for auto-dialing of passcodes for conference calls where the passcode is not part of the phone # in the invite

    I like that BC2 now support auto-dialing passcodes for conference calls, however it only works when the code is part of the phone # in the invite. Some very popular meeting invitation formats (e.g. Microsoft's Skype/Lync) do not include the passcode in the phone number, but have it elsewhere in the invite. Other Calendar options such as Google Calendar are able to find the passcode in this scenario and automatically include it.

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  4. Sort option for all day events (by title or calendar)

    I used special chars in BC1 to sort my all day events (ie "! This is an important event" or "☆ This is a family event").
    In BC2 events are sorted by calendar instead of its title.
    Please let us choose how all day events are sorted.

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  5. 57 votes

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  6. Tasker support

    Support for Tasker. Such as querying a calendar via tasker. Or acting on events, dismisses, ect with Tasker events.

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  7. I want a countdown function

    I would like to know how many days until an event, or task. I would also like it to be reversible, i.e. count down or count up. Count up would tell me how many times I can use/make/drive/do before an event.

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  8. Opentasks support

    I would like to see business calendar be able to sync task via opentasks. This would allow me to sync tasks with my opencloud server. Currently I need to use a seperate app.

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  9. change to the font style

    I want to use my system font, not Gothic.
    Maybe I think that is help user customizing.
    Especially, It's not good to Widget design betweenn anothers because this app is not equal to system font.

    I suggest to,
    1. Makes button to be able to change font style.
    2. Makes Basic font into the system font.

    Thx :D

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  10. Connection with Trello

    A connection with the task manager Trello would be great. It could show all dates within trello or at least the tasks from Trello.

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  11. Agenda view date "separation lines" should be above the date rather then below.

    Suggestion for agenda view;
    The line separators in agenda view should be as follows.

    Line ----------
    Appointment or "No Event"
    Line ----------

    The date & appointment should be confined by the lines. This would be more consistent with Google Calendar in Windows & even their Android App BUT more importantly, IT MAKES SENSE.
    Overall your App is clearly far superior to their App in any operating system & I appreciate your work.

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  12. Select individual ringtones for single events&tasks

    The application has infinite possibilities! Fabulous!

    I would suggest the ability to set a different ringtone for any single event (and not to calendar).
    For example if I wanted an event is reported only by the notification sound while another with a long ring tone.

    Thanks in advance and good luck

    L'applicazione ha mille possibilità! Favolosa!

    Vorrei suggerire la possibilità di impostare eventualmente una suoneria diversa per il singolo evento (e non per calendario).
    Ad esempio se volessi che un evento sia segnalato solo con il suono di notifica mentre un altro con una suoneria lunga.

    Grazie in anticipo e…

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  13. Today tomorrow versus day date in widget

    The possibility to choose/configure in the widget day and dates in the header versus today and tomorrow.

    Best regard,

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  14. Ask user for confirmation before sending out updates to calendar invites

    It would be useful to have a prompt for confirming whether we want invitation emails to be sent out to the event invitees, whenever we update the event. In most other calendar apps/clients, this is built-in, but in BC2, update emails are sent automatically without a chance of confirming.

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  15. Availability comparison

    Allow an availability view that allows the users to select non contiguous days for comparison in the current view selected. This is possible in outlook desktop when the user holds the control key and selects days from the mini months. Really helpful

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  16. Hide single events

    Can we please have the feature of hiding events?

    Picture this: there's an event on your calendar that is completely irrelevant to you, but you can't delete it. Maybe you share a calendar with several other people, and THEY need that event. Or maybe it's an imported calendar that you have no editing rights to.

    The calendar per sé is important, and can't be hidden, but the event needs to go. How can we solve this? A hiding EVENTS functionality!

    And, of course, it would be ideal if this applied to the app, the widgets, the notifications, etc...
    The cherry…

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  17. Add the option of having more than one row of calendars in the favorite bar

    Business Calendar 1 had the option of choosing how many rows of calendars a user want to have in the favorite ba, 2 rows for instance, instead of scrolling. Can we have this feature back!

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  18. One hand operation - Top menu to the bottom

    One hand operation
    Add the option o move the top menu of the calendar to the bottom, above the favorites bar to improve one hand operation. My tumb doesnt reach the top of the screen. The whole menu band (with all the options there).

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  19. BC widget for lockscreen - confidentiality customisable

    Create an widget for the lockscreen page in Android.

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  20. Hide periodic tasks till occurrence

    It would be great if you could hide periodic tasks till the next occurrence or even "X days" before due date in the widgets (agenda and tasks widget, to be more specific).

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