change to the font style
I want to use my system font, not Gothic.
Maybe I think that is help user customizing.
Especially, It's not good to Widget design betweenn anothers because this app is not equal to system font.
I suggest to,
1. Makes button to be able to change font style.
2. Makes Basic font into the system font.
Thx :D

Zeus Panchenko commented
BC2 UI customization definitely lacks possibility to use a font of your choice
please add it
Haeseong Je commented
I strongly encourage Business Calendar 2 app have oprions to change font style as the users like. Please be hurry to release a new version that has font change options.
Sandeep commented
Please provide the option to different fonts in calendar. The current fine is not appealing to me
christian commented
Yes I totally vote for this the font for business calendar should be independent of the system font
Juliett commented
I totally agree. It would look better especially on the widgets
Michael L. commented
I would be in favor of the Business Calendar accepts the font used in the device settings.
Kris75 commented
I'd like an option (or hardcoded if you want) that fonts in all views of BC, including the widgets of course, are the same as the fonts set in Android.
frj0901 commented
Toll wäre es auch, wenn man die Schriftart anpassen könnte und wenn die Symbole im Widget nicht ganz so groß wären