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Business Calendar 2 (open)

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305 results found

  1. Hide "No Events" message in widget

    What do you think about an option to suppress the "No Events" message in

    I'd prefer my widget disappear when there are no events.. This year I'm trying to be better about remembering the birthdays and anniversaries of friends, so I added a widget for my Birthdays calendar. It tells me the events for the next few days. If there aren't any, it just says "No Events". I'd like the widget to be totally blank when there are no events to show.

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  2. Prioritize also meetings

    Not only tasks should have priorities, also meetings.
    Then, one should be able to sort/filter by it.

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  3. Show task list headings in the task list widget

    In the task list widget view, there is no task headings per list, meaning if you have two tasks due on the same day with the same name you are unable to tell to which list it belongs. I would like to see task list headings per group eg:

    Task list A


    Task list B


    As at the moment sorting by task list would show:


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  4. Widget theme match system theme in android

    The widget light or dark theme should have an option that allows it to follow the light/dark system theme in android

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  5. Agenda Pro Widget with weather

    On the widget when viewing the "agenda" view. Inline with the words "Today", "Tomorrow", etc... place weather information at the far right of the screen. Just a simple high/low should do, probably no need for the graphics as they would be too small anyway.

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  6. Customize widget's add button

    It would be really useful if we can customize a widget add button action. For example i would like the + button on the day widget to create a new task exactly like the + button does on the tasks widget.

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  7. Alternative icon possibilities for Birthdays/Anniversaries

    I would like to be able to change the Icon used in the Birthday part of the app. For example sometimes i wish to remember the date of death, or some other anniversary (that is not always a happy Event). I dont think the birthday cake is always apporpriate for this. Thanks

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  8. 11 votes

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  9. Enable the custom order of the fields in the input mask

    Unter „Einstellungen Standards: neue Termine/ Aufgaben“ sollte die Möglichkeit bestehen, für neue Aufgaben nicht benötigte Eingabefelder ausblenden zu können, so dass diese Felder beim Erstellen einer neuen Aufgabe nicht sichtbar sind. Dafür rücken diejenigen Felder in den sichtbaren Bereich des Bildschirms, die der jeweilige Anwender wirklich verwendet.
    Vorteil für den Anwender: das Anlegen einer neuen Aufgabe funktioniert flüssiger, da der Anwender nur die Felder sieht, die er benötigt. Unbenötigte Felder beeinträchtigen den Ablauf nicht.

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  10. Add option to hide all all-day events in agenda widget

    Currently, the agenda widget is able to hide all-day events for the CURRENT day only. Some users (like me) don't use all-day events for actual 'busy' events, but as tasks or notes for 'things that happen on that day' (such as birthdays, or holiday).

    I'd like my agenda widget to focus on APPOINTMENTS, where I have to be somewhere at a specific time, using reminders etc. Thus, seeing that a certain conference takes place for the whole next week clutters my agenda view since it appears multiple times.

    I already did vote for but it may also be handy…

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  11. Show declined events with strike-through line through the event

    Currently declined events show as any other events. Ideally I don't want to hide events, I'd like them to show but as strike-through (crossed out) text for the event name so I can see which one's I've declined.

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  12. Different reminder settings for events and tasks

    For now, there is only a general setting (notification sound, vibration time, max repetitions, etc.) for both events & tasks. The idea is to have these settings options separately for events and tasks. So instead of having only General in the reminder setting menu, we would have Events and Tasks. For example, I could enable vibration for tasks reminders but only have popups without vibration for events reminder.

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  13. User define task states

    It would bei very useful to have more than open and done for one task, eg 'in progres' or 'waiting'. At best the user can define his own states.

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  14. export single calendars

    It would be great to export, in just one click, alle the desired calendars, in single ics files, not merged into 1 final ics file. That's because, when you restore the merged ics file, all events are restored in one calendar, not in the different calendars that you started from. I know that the alternative is to select every time a single calendar to export, but this function is working in the old businness calendar.

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    under review  ·  6 comments  ·  Feature  ·  Admin →
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  15. give options for how far to postpone an item

    Please set it up so when one presses the postpone button it opens up a box to select when to postpone, with different options like tomorrow,next week, etc.. plus a manual date entry option.

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  16. Native CalDAV support

    It would be nice to sync directly to WebDAV sources including events and tasks (both with real attachments) without Google.

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  17. Add 'days away' number or date (instead of 24h) in widget color box

    In the task view in the app, it shows how many days away or past a task is for the current day. I find this very useful, but this view is not available in the widget, which I spend most of my time with. Please add an option to show the days away on the widget. Thank you, and keep up the good work!

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  18. I want to import several .ical files in one shot. Today, in pro version, you can only select one file to import.

    Today in pro version, you have to select one file to import. This is inconvenient when you have several files with single events that you want to import to an existing ( or new) calendar. Propose to enable multi-file selection!!!

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  19. Link events to multiple calendars

    This may have been suggested before, but with the ever increasing number of calendars that I follow, it would be EXTREMELY helpful to have the ability to assign an event to MULTIPLE calendars - rather than a single one.

    I'm not as concerned as to how this is implemented, as much as the ability to do it. If, by assigning the event to multiple calendars, the app simply created the same event on all assigned calendars, that could be ok - IF the app just had the ability to recognize identical events and show them only once.

    I'm sure this…

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  20. Flexibility to display more all-day events

    In the Day (and multi-day) view, the all-day events get a certain amount of space at the top of the screen, and the time-specific events get the rest of the space below them. Let us control how much space the all-day events get. Right now it seems to be unchangeable.

    I can think of three options here. (1) In the settings, we could specify a percentage of the screen height to give to all-day events, for example, 20%, 40%, 60%. (2) On the screen itself, we could drag/drop the border down, as needed, to give the all-day events more space.…

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Business Calendar 2 (open)


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