Support for auto-dialing of passcodes for conference calls where the passcode is not part of the phone # in the invite
I like that BC2 now support auto-dialing passcodes for conference calls, however it only works when the code is part of the phone # in the invite. Some very popular meeting invitation formats (e.g. Microsoft's Skype/Lync) do not include the passcode in the phone number, but have it elsewhere in the invite. Other Calendar options such as Google Calendar are able to find the passcode in this scenario and automatically include it.

Simon Schilling commented
Bei fast allen Anbietern von Web- und Telefonkonzerenzen kann man sich direkt in die Konferenz einwählen, wenn man folgendes Schema verwendet:
{Telefonnummer},{Konferenzkennung}#Es wird also die Konferenzkennung nach einem Komma direkt an die Einwahlnummer angehängt und anschließend mit einer Raute (#) bestätigt.
Wenn eine solche Nummer im "Ort" feld ist, bietet BC2 jedoch nicht an die ganze Nummer zu wählen sondern nur Telefonnummer und Konferenzkennung einzeln. Es wäre besser, wenn auch die dritte Option "Komplette Nummer wie im Feld angegeben" zur Verfügung stünde.
dtrayers commented
Just upgraded to the Galaxy S8 and the native calendar has this built in. It can find the passcodes. for conference calls, I open the meeting in the native calendar just so I can use this functionality. If the stock S8 has this, why not BC2?
Ben commented
This would be great. Webex works the same way, where the conference call code is buried in the body of the meeting. BC2 actually parses out this webex conference code already, it shows up individually as a number in the list of call numbers. An option to pop up a second identical call list to choose a number to append to the number chosen from the first (with a couple of commas in between) might be a quick, code-reuse friendly way to implement this feature.
Ezra Berkenwald commented
I agree. Other calendar applications will add an additional dialing option that will include pin codes/conference codes, passcodes separated by a semi-colon. For example: PhoneNumber;Passcode#. It would also be wonderful to add a dialing icon on the agenda widget, so a user could dial into the conference without having to open the calendar entry.