MONTH VIEW: day & week number font colors
When in Month Calendar view, the day numbers can be difficult to read depending on the background or theme used. Please add the ability for users to be able to change the font colors for the day numbers, INCLUDING the current day font color. Thank You.

Doublehp commented
As of 2024-03-25,the only color that is problematic for me is the number of hidden events (in monthly view).
Anonymous commented
Please add a color setting of the days of the month' numbers
MAG commented
Anders Berggren commented
It should be much more and better separated, both in colour, position and font.
Light grey on white is just not a good Choice.
I hope you soon fix this. -
Anders Berggren commented
I vote for this. Important to make it easy to see the week numbers!!!
Bliblabl8 commented
Ich möchte die Schriftfarbe der Zahlen in der Monatsansicht ändern können. In allen Themes ist die hellgraue Schrift auf hellem oder dunklem Grund nur wenig kontrastreich.
Individuell einstellbare Farbe der Schrift könnte für mehr Kontrast und damit vereinfachtes lesen für etwa ältere Menschen oder mehr Farben fürs peppigere/ruhigere Aussehen sorgen.
Michael commented
In month view I would like the option to either change Today date numbers size or color. I use blue background with white numbers and it can be difficult to see which is today at a glance. Today is only slightly bolder than other days.
Alex commented
Uf you could make the numbers darker or even change colors it would be much more customizable.
dsbusmail commented
Example: Where it says JAN 5, in Agenda view the letters/numbers are gray in color. I would like to either change the color to something more noticible or make the letters/numbers bold or both.
oceanbabi commented
In main app, not just widget. So we can have better contrast after customizing backgrounds. Thanks.
oversky commented
I want to to make the day numbers of the weekend as red.
It looks better than red background.