Tasks smartlists and filtering
Please bring back smartlists for tasks (i.e. show event withing the next 4 days etc.) and also the ability to hide completed tasks in the task view! It would be better to just hide than delete completed tasks.
Note that I am not talking about hiding completed tasks from the calendar month view, but specifically the task view.
Thank you for a great app! :D

mssm commented
I have separate widgets for calendars and tasks. For the tasks I like to sort for due date but group for tasklist. Not possible currently.
Additionally there is the bug, that when sorting for tasklist, then in the widget there are not headers shown like it is when sorting for priority. I already filed that bug 2 month ago to the service, but no bugfix yet. -
mssm commented
In the task widget I would like to have separate options for grouping and sorting.
Currently there is a sorting option which also does a grouping for the same category in the task widget. -
Kamil Wojcik commented
I use tasks in BC2 a lot. Currently I have ˜70 unresolved tasks in my calendar and I have just noticed that it would help me a lot it there would be an option in task view to hide recurrent tasks and those with low(or without) priority. In my case recurrent tasks are mostly reminders for paying bills, generating reports, taking medicines, etc, while 1-time tasks are tasks related to my work with "hard deadlines". I would like to be able to be more focused on those 1-time tasks. -
Tuyết Anh Thư Trần commented
i just thing have two options at the same time can make the task list more enjoyable for users
Jimbolo commented
Hi there. I would like to propose a better one.
In the Tasks view, subtasks can be sorted according to various criteria. But if the task is accessed from the calendar, they can only be viewed in alphabetical order.
It is faster to access the task from, for example, the calendar or agenda view. I propose that the order of the subtasks applies to the individual task view as well.
Stefan Ne. commented
Please bring back smart lists, similiar to the feature in BC1! It is such a powerful tool.
But please also give the possibility to add a NOT-filter.
(for example: "do NOT show tasks with a due date" or "do NOT show tasks of today") -
Kyle commented
So I use the BC2 task widget (and love it!). I currently use priority sort to group items by priority. The default behavior is for BC2 to perform a secondary sort by date (most recent at bottom). I would like to be able to reverse the secondary sort so that items are first grouped by priority (highest at top), then secondarily sorted by date (most recent at top). I have tried to give an example of what I want below. I want to use the due date as a secondary priority metric since the postpone button would let me push the item to the top of the stack for a given priority.
high priority
- thing 1 due 1/9/2018
- thing 2 due 1/5/2018normal priority
- thing 3 due 1/10/2018
- thing 4 due 1/8/2018
- thing 5 due 1/6/2018 -
Serega Sergeev commented
sorting task by:
- name (default)
- date start
- date end
- color -
Ronald commented
When creating a smart list composed of multiple lists make it possible to sort by list so tasks are grouped by lists.
similar filter which is provided in business task app of same company will be very helpful to manage tasks
filter helps to manage and view tasks efficiently.These filters are there in your app business task
Ronald commented
I would also like to see the ability to sort tasks by task list. Currently, I have a smart list that shows tasks from multiple lists and there is no ability to sort them according to the list.
Alex commented
Smartlists would be great!
And then please add the option, to connect filters via OR, eg. due Within 7 days OR priority high. -
Donna Mae Menes commented
Please also consider tweaking the task widget so that when you sort it according to the task list, it shows as a header what list it is instead of just colorizing the tasks accdg to the list color.
Bonus: collapsible task lists so that it wouldn't take too long, scrolling endlessly, to see the tasks you want to see
Steffi commented
I would like to be able to sort subtasks manually, best with drag&drop. So I can see the most important things to do first.
Craigus commented
If by Task Group, you mean Task List - then we want the same thing (I think).
My main objective, however, is to get tasks appearing in the AGENDA view in the order I want them. For example, I would like any tasks from my PERSONAL task list to always appear first, then any items from the BIRTHDAYS REMINDERS task list, and so on.
If you could implement this, then that would be fantastic !
Phil commented
Hi i'd like to have a new field "label" for the task to sort by categories as Pro Perso import....it will be something different than tasklist because the pb with Google task is that you can only display one tasklist and not more on the same view. Thank you
Anonymous commented
I agree for bringing back the smart lists like in Business Tasks.
Hiding completed tasks works fine in bc2 views and widget...?Love the app, greetings! :)
Lucki X commented
I'd like to have an option for sorting tasks according to task group. I'm using now sorting according to a priority but it's not much comfortable.