Business Calendar 2 (closed)
536 results found
"add task" from agenda widget
It would be really great if there was an extra button at the top of the agenda widget to "add task" in addition to the current one, "add event".
This feature is already in the task widget. Currently to add a task via the "add event" button on the agenda widget takes 5 taps minimum.
If this is not possible is there another way to launch a new task from the home screen quickly, either via an activity shortcut or 1x1 widget?
38 votesThe option to show an extra button to add tasks directly from the widgets has been added with version 2.18.0.
Please give us an option to hide the word "allday" in agenda widget
The word "allday" (german: ganztägig) is not necessary, if there is not a specific time for events and tasks. Annoying, even if there are several allday events.
If we could hide it, we would have more events in agenda widget.
38 votesThe option has been added with version 2.18.0
I want to click a telephone hyperlink that includes the participant code and for the call to connect and enter the participant code
Implement proper support for the <tel> html tag for conference line phone numbers, in the meeting location field and the meeting details field.
I haven't been able to find any calendar app that will let me tap on one of these tags and have the app pass the telephone number AND participant code into the phone app so that the call can be connected and the participant code entered for me. Instead, I have to wait for the call to connect and then tap in the participant code, which I have to memorize since the phone app has since taken…
37 votes -
In Asia (korea, japan, china) the people just need the moon calendar.
In Asia (korea, japan, china) the people just need the moon calendar.
For example, the people look at the calendar for checking the lunar new year.
36 votes -
Android night mode
let theme follow system so when android auto light/dark mode is enabled the widget adjusts its theme accordingly
35 votes -
Support in Right To Left Languages
Please add the support for Right to left languages.
So Text in Hebrew or Arabic would appear from Right to Left.
And the Calandar in Month View and Weekly View will be from Right to Left. The support will be great.34 votes -
Feedback for synchronization
Please add some feedback when the synchronization is running and is completed. As it is now I'm never sure if the sync succeeded or not.
29 votes -
Option to display empty days in agenda view
Option to display empty days in agenda view - I live in this view and it is disconcerting to press "go to today" icon and go to 3 days after - due to empty days. Much better to "go to today" and scan forward from there if needed.
29 votesThe option to display empty days in agenda view has been added with version 2.18.0.
Birthday calendar
A special calendar which reads out contact birthdays automatically. The age of a person should be displayed, too.
29 votes -
Show duplicate dates as one date
I would love to see duplicate dates from different calendars, as one summarised date.
Thanks a lot!
25 votes -
Alternative Time Picker
The way to enter times of appointments is rather clumsy. If you want to change the hour and the minute, you have to first select one of both, enter the time, the select the other, and enter the other.
I propose a time picker, where you can enter hour and minute without changing the input mode. Something like the standard time picker, that is used in most android apps where you select hours and minutes by side-be-side wheels.
I can see absolutely no value in the way it's currently implemented.
24 votes -
Add Onedrive to the supported cloud services for attachments
The new add attachment to an event is a great new feature. My only wish is to have Onedrive added as one of the cloud serives that can be used.
22 votes -
Option to select the number of weeks in Month View.
Please add an option to freely select the number of weeks displayed in Month View (e.g., 2 to 6). The current Month View displays 6 weeks but I feel it is busy. As you know, it is 4 weeks on Google Calendar.
22 votes -
I want the ability to attach a picture to an event
I would like the ability to attach a picture to an event. Now you can attach an emoji to an event, how about a picture too or instead of.
22 votes -
Month widget with customized numbers of rows.
It would be nice to let me choose number of weeks to be displayed in the month widget - I would like to have a larger widget on the screen with only two bigger rows of weeks to accomodate theirs events.
21 votes -
I want little icons for time in agenda view. They are too big !
Time Icons size in agenda view
21 votes -
ISO week numbers
There is a bug/missing feature in the display of week numbers. When calculating the current week you are having week 1 being the week with January 1st. Which is fine for some regions. However, my country follows the ISO standard which says that whatever week is having January 4th is week 1. Currently for 2015, it is correct, but will be incorrect for 2016.
20 votes -
Add a button "Move to Today" in Event/Task details view
Currently to move the task/event from godknowswhen to today we have to:
1. Open edit mode in Task/Event details view
2. Click on due date
3. Find today in the calendar
4. Click SaveProposed feature:
1. Click on the button "Move to Today" in Task/Events details view19 votes -
Agenda widget: Revised multi-day event handling.
Currently multi-day events show up as multiple entries in the agenda view (both in app and in the widget).
I'd like to see the option to limit these to start and end times. Ideally this would be differentiated from regular events visually (either with a new symbol (easy), an additional vertical line relaying the period involved, or with something visually tying the start and end together, like a line on the right side (hard).
Once an event has begun, the start time should be replaced with "ongoing", or "X days left" and the event should appear at the start of…
17 votes -
To have the ability to show empty days in the Agenda Widget
This would help in looking for a free day to make an appointment
16 votes