Agenda widget: Revised multi-day event handling.
Currently multi-day events show up as multiple entries in the agenda view (both in app and in the widget).
I'd like to see the option to limit these to start and end times. Ideally this would be differentiated from regular events visually (either with a new symbol (easy), an additional vertical line relaying the period involved, or with something visually tying the start and end together, like a line on the right side (hard).
Once an event has begun, the start time should be replaced with "ongoing", or "X days left" and the event should appear at the start of the list.
Francis Liu commented
Don't forget the Day Widget! It also has this issue.
Francis Liu commented
An alternative implementation could be:
They first multiday-event is in the list just like it is now, then, instead of scrolling the second occurrence, the first one would be stuck/held in place at the top of the scroll window, until the end date of the multiday event.
It would be a bit like the frozen frame in Excel, except it would be a dynamic size based on the number of events.
Anonymous commented
Oh yes! This would remove lots of clutter from the agenda making it much cleaner!
Not necessary to have 20 and more entries like "Hollidays from day x to day y" but having that info once instead of removing those calenders.In earlier Versions I saw an option like "merge multi-day events", please bring it back!