Birthday calendar
A special calendar which reads out contact birthdays automatically. The age of a person should be displayed, too.

creed commented
"please add support not only for birthdays, but also for anniversaries, name days and user-defined events (custom). Also user should be able to say whether it is one-time event or yearly repeating (default) - since many contact apps force you to enter year even for yearly-repeating events"
i couldn't have said it better lukas! please listen to him and us.
Lars Lindahl commented
This feature would be appreciated.
In the BC Pro this worked ! -
Janez Šinkovec commented
I agree on having counter for basically any repeating event and we also "need" an option to set the initial value of the counter.
So for anniversary or birthday I would set the initial count to 0, but for my weekly swimming sessions I'd set it to 1.
Also, if I delete a single event (i.e. one swim skipped due to illness), I'd expect the counter not to count that deleted event. -
Andreas Frank commented
Die Anzeige des Alters hinter dem Geburtstag fände ich auch sehr gut. Dies wäre ein sehr gutes Feature.
lukas commented
please add support not only for birthdays, but also for anniversaries, name days and user-defined events (custom). Also user should be able to say whether it is one-time event or yearly repeating (default) - since many contact apps force you to enter year even for yearly-repeating events
Anonymous commented
Please add the possibility to define anniversaries, name days etc. Name days should be defined without a year.
Wendy commented
Birthdays are ALL repeating 33 times!
Oliver Altenbokum commented
Really good idea! I'm looking forward for that feature!