I want to click a telephone hyperlink that includes the participant code and for the call to connect and enter the participant code
Implement proper support for the <tel> html tag for conference line phone numbers, in the meeting location field and the meeting details field.
I haven't been able to find any calendar app that will let me tap on one of these tags and have the app pass the telephone number AND participant code into the phone app so that the call can be connected and the participant code entered for me. Instead, I have to wait for the call to connect and then tap in the participant code, which I have to memorize since the phone app has since taken over the screen and I can no longer see it within the meeting details.

KC Baltz commented
Please copy this feature from NitroDesk Touchdown as Raphael describes it in the comments below. All of my meetings have the Conference code on a different line from the phone number, so I need the ability to pick two numbers to dial.
Dave commented
This is marked as completed but it still doesn't extract the meeting ID/access code from the calendar invite. If the email contains the mobile format, you can click dial but it still only pulls the phone number
Scott commented
Any update on this??
I keep seeing people saying their older smart phones supported this... but I'm fairly certain my pre-2000 feature phone supported this. Having support for basic Hayes dialling codes (from the modem era) to support a "," for a 1-2 second pause should have been supported from the initial release of this!
It is certainly *not* business-like for me to be driving around and easily dialling my conference #, and then having to look at the conf code that I have written down on a piece of paper and manually dialling that in.
Mark commented
I can't believe base Android doesn't do this - it should be a common function throughout the OS, so that I can dial from any app. Like another commenter said, I used to be able to do this on a Blackberry in 2009 for crying out loud.
It's extremely frustrating, and a clear sign Google really has no clue how people use their phones in a business environment. Seriously makes me want to switch to something else.
</rant>So now it's left to individual apps to deal with, which is craziness. Anyway, at least it would help BC2 differentiate themselves as a true business-focused calendar if they add it.
Ezra Berkenwald commented
Two feature requests that I think would help set Business Calendar apart from other calendar applications.
1) Call meeting button that either displays next to the location button or replaces it if there is no location listed or if the location has dial-in, conference call, etc.
2) It would be nice if that call meeting button would be able to parse the calendar notes and retrieve the phone number and append any PIN to the end of the phone number preceded with a semicolon to wait and then send the PIN. This will make it much handier in addresses conferences calls from webex, gotomeeting, skype, etc. -
Janne commented
Fully agree on the need. Just to add a couple of details. From my perspective you don't need to make this too fancy, even the functionality that the Samsung built-in S Planner has, is enough. And please include the capability to just go into the Meeting notes and click from there. In our company a typical teleconference meeting would include several countries as below, so it needs to be able to just make link of any number stream:
Australia: 0291867311,1234567#
China: 4006200311,1234567#
Finland: +358923195311,1234567#
Germany: 03022153111,1234567#Currently the BC makes separate links for the telephone number, and a second link for the actual participant code, which are separate by a comma.
Matt commented
The reality is that the format of 1-800-555-5555,,,5555555# should be supported. The comma as pause is a fairly old and accepted pattern. Blackberry, Apple, and Google support it...
Regardless - one touch dial is a must! -
Dave commented
The only app I've found that does this is the default Samsung calendar, and it is smart enough to create the composite number from separate lines in the meeting. Hard to call this business calendar without it.
Tyler Howe commented
My old BlackBerry (4-5 years ago) had this functionality. It was able to identify conference lines and participant codes in the Location field even without special formatting. When the calendar pop-up came up, it had a button to dial into the conference with participant code. (as well as an 'edit before dialing' button, in case it got the numbers wrong)
I think it's important for any app that does this to be able to automatically recognize lines/codes, and automatically put in the # or whatnot. Not all meetings come formatted perfectly, so the app should have some ability to find, correct, and implement. Additionally, since some systems can be non-standard, perhaps have some configuration options. And while we're at it, leader pins for certain codes.
Domenic commented
Touchdown can do this.
Anonymous commented
Bc calendar 2 has no option for dialing from app as as did bc1. Not sure why
Raphael commented
Until recently I used Nitrodesk TouchDown which includes a calendar. Now that I switched to Nine and BC2 I am missing exactly this functionality:
TouchDown made all (long enough) numbers in an event clickable like hyperlinks. This is similar to what is already available in BC2, but in BC2 if you select such a link it takes you directly to the dialer, requiring to dial the conference code manually. TouchDown however did allow me to
1) directly dial a composite bridge like +491234567890,123456#,123# either from the location or the description field of an event or,
2) select the correct number, e.g. +491234567890 first and then one after another select the conference code and if required more numbers like conference pin.
TouchDown did this both by displaying a bottom bar, once you select a composite bridge or any number. If you select another number it basically adds ,<selectednumber># . If you make this bottom bar editable the user can also make changes before finally pressing the "dial" button which is also displayd in the same bottom bar.I'd highly appreciate such a feature.
Rafal L commented
Hi Dan same frustration here. The ONLY app that I've found that does this eloquently is TouchDown Pro (which is terrible in other ways). This should be simple, as most people in business use this format: 1 (800) 123-1234,,1234567890#
I enter that in the LOCATION field when I set up a conference bridge, and you should be able to click on that and the calendar app pass the whole thing over to the Android dialer which handles this great. I don't understand why this isn't a feature already. SO MANY people in the business world need this to make life simpler.