Android night mode
let theme follow system so when android auto light/dark mode is enabled the widget adjusts its theme accordingly

Kenneth Ewing commented
I like both light mode and dark mode. Of course, sometimes it can be uncomfortable for the eyes, so I will always choose a topic, starting from what will be healthier. I don't want to feel bad anymore. The fact is that my last relationship upset the balance of life a little, and now I know what triggers for anxious attachment are. From this source, I learned what an anxious attachment style is, the symptoms, and even how to treat it. Now I understand these things. In addition, I was offered professional psychotherapeutic advice and assistance. And life again began to play with bright colors.
Ben Beattie-Hood commented
This is actually super super easy to implement: just allow the user to choose two themes - one for light and the other for dark - and then automatically switch between them when the system theme changes. Super easy!
V Quiroz commented
It will be VERY hard to the eyes and intrusive to deal with bright light in a dark environment. iPhone and Androids cellphones already have this option as part of their algorithm. Just because of lack of feature, I'm not purchasing the PRO. GET THIS DONE
Bartosz Gajda commented
t should have been done a long time ago. Shame on you it is not.
Dark theme is available in Android 10 (API level 29) and higher since July 2020. -
Fritz Fogl commented
Einen Verbesserungs Vorschlag hätte ich für Ihre ansonsten perfekte App allerdings noch.
Und zwar betreiben doch die meisten Ihr Smartphone im Darkmode so wie den Business Calendar auch (Akku Schonung)
Aus diesem Grund wäre es toll wen man um den Kalender einen Rahmen einfügen könnte... weiß.. grau egal. Einfach das die App ein bießchen übersichtlicher abgetrennt ist. Wäre toll. -
Krishnakumar Raghu commented
I'd like automatic theming of the app and widgets based on both time of the day and based on system theme.
Joe Sutton commented
This should be a simple implementation and would certainly modernise the feel of the app.
Anonymous commented
Yes please!
David Švorc commented
My eyes bleeding so much, help me with night browsing in the cal.
Dark mode is standard thing in this time, this makes your app so old.
For example me, I won't buy an app, which doesn't have theme following SYSTEM dark mode.
It's sad to see, that we need to vote for this :(
Keep our eyes healthy 😀 -
Anonymous commented
That would be awesome, even if you could make the white part of the calendar a different color other than white I would be happier.
rdannis commented
Please make a theme that switches with the android system dark mode of the phone. It's currently either burn your eyes in the evening, or see nothing when outside during the day.
Matthias Beier commented
Bin auch dafür
yami commented
App should switch to dark mode with the system dark mode, like most Samsung and Google Apps. The user should be able to those which theme for light and which for dark mode.
Grant commented
Yes please! White is easier to read in bright light but burns at night.
Ben Katz commented
Dark themes work great at night but a light theme makes more sense during the day. Nova Launcher can now automatically switch to a dark theme at night. It would be great if Business Calendar could do the same.