"add task" from agenda widget
It would be really great if there was an extra button at the top of the agenda widget to "add task" in addition to the current one, "add event".
This feature is already in the task widget. Currently to add a task via the "add event" button on the agenda widget takes 5 taps minimum.
If this is not possible is there another way to launch a new task from the home screen quickly, either via an activity shortcut or 1x1 widget?

The option to show an extra button to add tasks directly from the widgets has been added with version 2.18.0.
V commented
Thumbs up
DW commented
It would be helpful to have that extra button to add task from other views as well, like monthly view or weekly view.
niko commented
I vote for drobosoft's solution ☺
drobosoft commented
I believe that adding another add button, there should be popup with quick selection for task or event. Informant app uses this approach.
Ideally the add action should configurable:
- Add event
- Add task
- Select action popup (calendar event/task) -
Сергей commented
I actively use tasks, so for me this is important too!
Anonymous commented
This is already available in day by day, so please add it in business calendar too.
Vincent commented
You tell me to vote for this now, but when I made this remark when BC2 went out somebody from your team it would come soon! Why did you not do it ? Is there is some kind of difficulty?
Jörg Giencke commented
The way BC2 behaves now it creates another problem: because it creates an event by default it takes the default notification time for events. When changed to a task afterwards it does not change the notification time to the default notification time for tasks.
yossi jacob commented
Like Donna said, it should be possible to change the add button action for all widgets and not just for the agenda, for example i would like to add task from the day widget.
Anonymous commented
This existed in the old business calendar. Please do re-introduce it! Or the suggested 1x1 widget. Alternatively (but not as good) you could provide an option in settings to select whether the add button in the agenda widget adds a calendar item or a task.
Donna Mae Menes commented
I agree, there should be an add task but not only for the agenda widget, but also for the other widgets as it allows for a quicker entry for tasks.