Tags for events and tasks
The only thing that BC lacks in order to manage with the GTD method is to filter the lists of actions by situation or context tags.
I have edited an image of what this would look like in the widget, you can see it in https://ibb.co/g1rSUy. Each icon in the top bar can be pressed or not, thus showing the tasks with that tag or not respectively.
The first bar icon could be "select all / deselect all"; and if the tags are many, one could scroll horizontally.
A filter by tags is not an optional feature, it is essential, and that is why many task managers already have it.
You can reverse this disadvantage by being the first to add it to the function of the widget, standing out from the competition.

Antonio Vicari commented
Add tags to the entries (even more tags for each single entry) of the calendar in order to subsequently filter the interesting entries for one or more tags and then see the entries of interest for each tag and possibly delete the unimportant entries. To be clear I mean a tag management like the application "unotes notes with tags" by evjava (Google PlayStore)
Maurice cb. commented
Or just use the same idea like Google Calendar would be easy to set up, keep all other calendar tools in sync and greatly improve the tool:
"Tags for Google Calendar
A little visual addon that adds special markup to tags and question marks in event names.
This add-on causes two markup changes in of Google Calendar.
Event names containing a colon (:) will have the part before the colon being displayed as a colored tag that helps discerning different kinds of events without the need for creating dozens of calendars.
For example: "Tag: Event name" becomes "[Tag] Event name".Event names ending with a question mark will be displayed in italic and transparent, as a kind of optional or yet to be confirmed event."
Christoph Dennenmoser commented
I fully support this idea as it would make this already very good tool unique.
TH commented
If Tags are made available and searchable with tags, it would be even more useful for the software. A PC version would make the BC best management software.
Darius Schindler commented
it would be Amazing so I would switch from Todoist to BC2 completely :)
Paul commented
Mache ich über die Einrichtung mehrerer Kalender. Dann habe ich den Vorteil, beispielsweise Daniel in der Ansicht EIN-/AUs- zu schalten. Alternativ nur Daniel anzeigen.
Dani Brogle commented
Ich kann die Kalenderfarbe frei wählen. Aber ich möchte jetzt Farbe auch einem Thema zuordnen. Z.b. gelb = Daniel Grün = Evelin
Anonymous commented
Man kann ja Terminen eine individuelle Farbe zuordnen.
Es wäre sehr nützlich und übersichtlicher, wenn man später, auch nach dieser Farbe Filtern könnte, um alle Termine anzeigen zu lassen, die z.b. "Blau sind... für Urlaub".
Um alle Termine auszublenden, die z.b. "Grau sind... für eingetragene Infos oder alternativ Termine" und nur bei bedarf dann wieder anzeigen zu lassen.Ganz nach der schon vorhandenen Funktion:
KALENDER EIN-/AUSBLENDEN"Nur eben nicht nur nach "Kalender" sondern auch nach "Farbe" gefiltert.
Anonymous commented
The best idea to solve every color- and syncproblem between different plattforms.
Teake Boogaard commented
YES!!! This is what I'd LOVE to see implemented, within my exchange/outlook agenda.
Automatic colors, based on the subject line of the appointment.
So "meeting" would be red, "Travel" would be green, "4H" would be grey (4H is used to identify specific appointments in my outlook agenda) -
Valeria commented
Normi commented
Totally agree. I love the design you did. That would be very practical and useful.
Randy Ritchey commented
I use BC2 to schedule weekly lessons. There is a weekly routine I go through to do my scheduling. I use different calendars for different stages of the scheduling process. The First status is NEEDS TIME SLOT. So I attach the NEEDS TIME SLOT (Pink BG) Google calendar to all lesson events for that week. Next, I contact each client to confirm their day and time for the current week. I then change the attached calendar to CONTACTED (Yellow BG). When the client replies confirmed, I then change the attached calendar from CONTACTED to CONFIRMED (Light Blue BG). I also have calendars for CANCELLED, MOVED and so on. Each calendar is represented in a different color of course. This is all doable currently, however it's very time consuming. I need a way, from the calendar screen to one touch a calendar change function. The function should allow me to single or multi select events. Once event(s) are selected, from that same screen there should be a one touch a function that brings up a list of calendars to choose from. Back tracking a little. Each week I copy the events of my regular clients and the copies need to be all changed from CONFIRMED to NEEDS TIME SLOT. Very time consuming without the calendar screen option to multi select and change calendars. Well. I hope it makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion.
Matthias commented
It would be really helpful, if it would be possible to set rules for automatic color setting of the events (within the same calendar) based on the description. F.e. if the description contains "app.", then set the color yellow.
TY commented
maybe in combination with the Colors you already can choose.
Daniel commented
Kann man eine automatische Anpassung der Farben für Aufgaben integrieren? Z.b. Standardfarbe der Aufgabe ist orange, ist die Aufgabe heute fällig wird sie grün, ist sie überfällig soll sie rot dargestellt werden. Speziell im Aufgaben widget fände ich das eine super Orientierung und Hilfe.
Lisa commented
I want to be able to create automatic colors to specific characteristics. For example purple for all activities at a specific location or green for all activities with a topic that contains "climbing".
Anonymous commented
I agree.
Wallner commented
Bei der Auswahl der Terminfarbe sollte es möglich sein einen indivituellen Text als Überschrift einzugeben. zB. für "magenta" die Überschrift "Sport" . So kann ich jeweils die richtige Farbe einer Tätikeit zuordnen. Da es nur 11 Farben sind kann das nicht so schwer sein.
Jan de Kievit commented
Can you add 'Tags' as an option to tasklists (and maybe events). Then one could have a tasklist 'Private' and a tasklist 'Business' and e.g. a tag 'Taxes' which can apply to both tasklists. Private task: File your income tax return with the tag Taxes and busines task: File your VAT return with tag Taxes.
This would help tremendously if you have a great nummer of tasks, makes it easy to find the right one.