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Business Calendar 2 (open)

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Remember that your posts and votes just give us an idea of currently most-wanted features. An implementation can’t be guaranteed.

458 results found

  1. Show the number off full days entered in a certian calendar somewhere

    This feature could eg be helpful for people in the thourism industry, when working as a tour guide. By just entering the tource you already completed and the ones yet to come it would be easy to count the number of days you had work.
    This number again can (depending on your employer) be important for your payment.
    Another cenario: During corona time (thank god its over) this would have helped to count the days you have been working in home office across a whole year. There are certainly more applications for this feature.

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  2. Day Pro widget feature

    I have a feature suggestion/request that I'm wondering if your team might be able to implement. That is, on the Day Pro widget, to include the time line (hours) on the right side as well as the left. I think that would not only be helpful but also more visually appealing, especially for those (like me) who do not use the sidebar. Currently, the appointments run off the right side of the widget, and it doesn't look very clean.

    As a secondary option, if the above isn't feasible for whatever reason, it would be nice if there could at least…

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  3. SHARING EVENTS: allow title as file name

    I would like to see that when sharing an event via WhatsApp, the ics file is not called 1_ecent.ics. It should wear the event name itself.
    Or the user should be able to give the file a suitable name. In WhatsApp the receiver gets only the file name as visualization. Only after open the file the event itself is shown correctly.

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  4. WEAR OS: Trim event notifications payload to avoid watch overload

    Some event notifications payload may be very big (description text), specially in business environment.
    It would be great to have a trim option to limit the payload to a certain maximum size and avoid watch crashing due to lack of resources.
    Thanks in advance and keep up the good work.

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  5. Set a default Calendar for import

    To be able to set a default Calendar for importing a singular event, verses having to select it every time. The default just seems to select the top one in alphabetical order which is my Birthdays Calendar :(

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  6. On opening up history, only two options are available when it comes to delete. All or just one. What I am suggesting is a third option which

    To allow 3 options when it comes to history delete. Currently only two options. All or just one. What I would like to see is multiple deletions but where I can decide which history items to delete

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  7. Wear Companion app: Display time until start of event in title of reminder notification

    Currently title of reminder notification is just "Business Kalender" and time since reminder.

    Proposal: Display time as countdown until start of event like in stock notification (instead).

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  8. WEAR OS COMPANION: Choice of calendars complication "Next event" and exclude tasks

    I want to be able to choose which calendars are shown in the Wear complication "Next event" and exclude tasks

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  9. Prevent removal of attachments from an appointment without going into edit mode beforehand

    Currently it is too easy to accidentally delete an attachment, (as I have just done and couldn't find the attachment so had to log in to a website and download it again. Too much hassle.) There is no confirmation prompt when we delete the attachment, so it was lucky that I spotted I had deleted it, but it could so easily have been deleted without noticing just by the hand accidentally touching that X cross.

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  10. See teams "attendees" in the widget on android with pro.

    I love the app and widget. but would like to see teams meeting attendees which is not visible today.
    Are there a setting that controls this?
    Best regards Skjalg Fevang

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  11. Use Pitch Black theme as dark option when following system theme

    With the introduction of the Pitch Black/AMOLED theme, I'd like to be able to use that for the dark theme when the Follow the System Theme function is enabled.

    Currently, following the system theme uses the Full Dark theme. Please use the Pitch Black theme instead, or give us a choice of which dark theme to use when following the system theme.

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  12. Description in the widget

    It would be very useful to have the Description of an event visible in the Agenda widget. Otherwise what is the Description for? If I insert it, it means that I need it! For example, if I am a teacher, the Description reminds me of which lesson, class assignment or question I have to carry out. Or, if I fix an appointment, I can add, for example, "bring flowers". In any case, I think it is essential.

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  13. Bold or hyper line for separate day by day in agenda viewHeader

    There is an option for hyper separation line in agenda of business calender.
    Is possible to have the same in Chinese calender ?
    Thank you

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  14. Task visibility toggle in different views

    Have the option to toggle task visibility in each view setting.
    This way you can still have them visible on the task view and widget but not on the week view for example.
    In theory it's a simple addition that would make organization easier.
    Having a week view showing only events and for tasks the dedicated task view, not overlapping with each other.

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  15. Colorized days transparency

    Allow setting the transparency of colorized days in the calendar widget.

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  16. Agenda widget : allow open (default/day/week/etc.) view on Day/date title

    Hi, I can choose this option for widget title bar, I wish I could do the same for each day. Right now it brings us to the day view, which I never care about. Instead, I ALWAYS use week view.
    Ofc I could use widget title bar for this, BUT :
    1- I'd really like to get rid of the title bar but I can't right now because of this missing feature
    2- That week view would be focused on the selected day, which I can't do right now using the titlebar shortcut.

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  17. Split Screen

    Having got used to having two Apps side by side on my Z Fold4, I would love to be able to have two separate Business Calendar views side by side; e.g. so that I can see the Tasks view and the Week view simultaneously.

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  18. State icon

    Hello. I have a suggestion for the "DAY VIEW" of the calendar. This is an optional feature and consists of adding a small "state box" (or a flap) on the lower right side of each event to fill it with an icon (or text), to describe what happened to the programmed event. For example, finished, approved, canceled, paid, charged, suspended, slope, etc. The state icon could be selected directly from the event box, without entering the event editing menu. I would like this suggestion to be considered for future versions of BC2. Thank you very much!

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  19. +/-30 minutes button in time selection view

    i want to have two buttons to change the time with one click by + or - 30 minutes. or maybe customiseable that the user can choose how many minutes to jump up or down.

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  20. INPUT MASK: font size of the description field

    Dear team,

    Is it possible to increase the font size of the Description field by creating event / task ? This would be much appreciated. Thank you.


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