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Business Calendar 2 (open)

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489 results found

  1. 3 votes

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  2. Suggest new time in Meeting RSVP

    When meeting invite received, would like ability to "Suggest a new time" in addition to Accept, Decline, and Tentative.

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  3. Sync tasks with Wunderlist

    Wunderlist is a widely used to do or task website. It would be awesome if Business Calendar 2 would sync the task lists from Wunderlist.

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  4. Drag task onto another to create a sub task

    Also if the task with sub tasks is moved to another folder they all become unrelated tasks this is not helpful. Liking the BC apps though

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  5. 4 votes

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  6. continuous scrolling across days in single day view (e.g. timeline)

    In single day view, it would be great if you could scroll up/down to change days. Currently, this is left/right. With travel and multiple time zones, its easier to get a feel for different events if there is a continuous scrolling between days. Think agenda, but the hours are linear. Bonus points if the left most column could show multiple timezones (different feature request)

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  7. One hand operation - Top menu to the bottom

    One hand operation
    Add the option o move the top menu of the calendar to the bottom, above the favorites bar to improve one hand operation. My tumb doesnt reach the top of the screen. The whole menu band (with all the options there).

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  8. Outlook meeting organization compatibility

    I use BC with my job Exchange server and when I organize new meetings directly from it, I do not have access to

    1. the address book of the company server;

    2. the list of meeting rooms if I want to book a room;

    3. other people's calendar to see their availability.

    Is it possible to add these services to BC?

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  9. Import: allow preview of the .ics file before importing

    Mir fehlt beim importieren von ics.-Dateien eine Vorschau des Termins. Die ist doch notwendig damit ich weiß was für einen Termin ich überhaupt importiere und ihn dnn wiederfinde um in evtl. anzupassen. Momentan habe ich die Vorschau über en SPlanner, damit aber "doppelte" Arbeit. Super wäre die Möglichkeit den Termin vor dem Import gleich bearbeiten zu können.

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  10. Sort option for all day events (by title or calendar)

    I used special chars in BC1 to sort my all day events (ie "! This is an important event" or "☆ This is a family event").
    In BC2 events are sorted by calendar instead of its title.
    Please let us choose how all day events are sorted.

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  11. Syncing with

    Would be good if tasks could synchronise with

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  12. Connection with Trello

    A connection with the task manager Trello would be great. It could show all dates within trello or at least the tasks from Trello.

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  13. On Agenda Widget - Highlight Current Event

    Would be great to have the option to see the currently active event highlighted. This is the only feature I'm missing from my former favorite Pure Widget Agenda.


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  14. Agenda widget: allow filtering of the events

    Verfügbare Filteroptionen sollten sein:

    1. Betreff des Termins: leer
    2. Betreff des Termins enhält einen der folgenden Begriffe: "Beispiel Text", "Schulung", "Projekt1 JourFix"
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  15. Split view Month/Agenda

    Some calendar apps, such as Today Calendar, have a split view with the month displayed in the top half and the agenda displayed in the bottom half. I would really like that view in Business Calendar.

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  16. Week view snap

    I want a setting to make week view always snapp where first Day of week is always at The far left. Swiping left or right would jump whole weeks.

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  17. export single calendars

    It would be great to export, in just one click, alle the desired calendars, in single ics files, not merged into 1 final ics file. That's because, when you restore the merged ics file, all events are restored in one calendar, not in the different calendars that you started from. I know that the alternative is to select every time a single calendar to export, but this function is working in the old businness calendar.

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    under review  ·  6 comments  ·  Feature  ·  Admin →
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  18. finer grid in drag&drop mode

    I think 30min is to coarse. I would prefer a 15min grid while I view 16 hours of a day

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  19. Agenda View Enhancement

    When agenda view is selected by default, the app should use the current time to position the cursor at the closest event vs day start

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  20. Full text view for Tasks list

    Full text view for Tasks list - Wrapped text content

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