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Business Calendar 2 (open)

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Remember that your posts and votes just give us an idea of currently most-wanted features. An implementation can’t be guaranteed.

458 results found

  1. Sub-Tasks should have the same due-date as parent tasks, by default

    Of course it is great to have the possibility of different due-dates, but usually the Sub-tasks will have the same due-date as the parent task. It is very annoying to set the due-date for each individual subtask (as it can not be done while creating them, only later). This also introduces a problem with Google Calendar integration, as the "date-less" subtasks are not shown properly.
    The easiest solution would be to give sub-tasks automatically the same due-date of the parent task (with the option to edit it of course)

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  2. Idee

    Ich finde euer Kalender super was ich als zusätzliches Feature toll fände, wäre wenn man bei der Tagesansicht die Ganztagestermine links oder rechts anzeigen könnte, anstelle von oben und wenn man die Schriftgrösse dann bei den Ganztagesterminen unabhängig von den Tagesterminen einstellen könnte.


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  3. I would like a 'Hide future tasks' option in th Tasks widget

    I just want to see the tasks I have to do now. Namely:

    1. Today not completed tasks
    2. Past not completed tasks
    3. Tasks without date

    Nothing to do with the following tasks, so I don't want to see them:
    1. Completed tasks
    2. Future tasks

    I think that's what the to-do list is for, How it's missing, not just from BC but also from competitors? In Rainlendar for Windows or my age-old GTO-tasks days to see is basic option, just set it to 1 hides all future tasks.

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  4. Calendar name in the event details

    Proszę o wprowadzenie możliwości wyświetlania nazwy kalendarza przy nazwie wydarzenia. Sam kolor przy dużej ilości kalendarzy to za mało. Np. eksportując z kalendarze każdy pokój to kalendarz. Mając 30 pokoi - kalendarzy ciężko operować kolorami.

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  5. Event creation: allow to reposition or hide widgets (for location, repetition, attendees, etc)

    When creating a new event, it would nice to be able to reposition, and hide some of the elements. For example, maybe that you don't use 'location' or 'description' that often, but want to see first 'repetition, it would be good to be able to reorder the elements in the settings.

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  6. Grid-style week widget

    Please create an alternative week widget that is like a grid/table (2 columns and 4 rows). The one available in the acalendar+ app is perfect as it has better readability, with full appointment names visible and is visually easier to read compared to the column option and the list option.

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  7. Option to change the colour of the font in the dark theme

    I would be grateful if you considered giving users an option to change the colour of the font in the dark theme. The contrast between the text and the background is too low so I'd like to be able to improve the readability of my events' notes and details by making the font lighter. An alternative solution would be providing users with a dark theme that has a light-coloured/white font.

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. Merkmale für Anwendung der Templates bei Termineinladungen

    Es wäre toll, wenn die Templates aufgrund von gewissen Merkmalen auch auf Termineinladungen angewendet werden:

    Als Bsp.:

    Es besteht ein Template mit den folgenden Merkmalen:

    Titel Template: Band
    Termintitel enthält: Band
    Emojicon; Gitarre
    Farbe: Grün
    Organisator: Max Muster

    Wenn ich nun eine Termineinladung für die Bandprobe von Max Muster erhalte und diese annehme, werden aufgrund der Merkmale Organisator und Titel enthält Band automatisch die übrigen Attribute wie Farbe, Emoji etc. aus dem Template auf dem Termin angewendet.

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  10. Search by event colour

    It would be very useful if you could search by event colour so you could see all the events that were made using a certain colour.

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  11. Industrial date

    I have seen that in Settings/Times/Alternative Calendar there is the possibility to display many other calendars, only the industrial date is not included.

    Since I work a lot with the industrial date, you would do me a huge favor to program this.

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  12. Adjustable widget-header

    I would like to adjust the size of the header of the widget to personal preferences so it is easier to read day and date

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  13. Day Pro widget tasks features

    Be able to click on the word "Tasks" to open to the Tasks part of BC2.

    And an option to show undated Tasks as if due today option.

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  14. Day pro: scroll view around time

    In the day pro widget there should be an option next to the "start time" and "end time" to be able to set some kind of "time area".

    I imagine the widget thjen to behave like this: It automatically scrolls toe the actual time, while showing X hours in the past and X hours in the future. This way there would be no need to declare a specific start and end time and it would be dynamic.

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  15. Timeline - linia czasu dla każdego kalendarza

    Dość popularne, szkoda że google kalendarz nie ma tej opcji..

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  16. Option to select an audio channel for notifications

    The option to select a sound channel for notifications is very lacking. Now many people use BT-headsets with phones and tablets.
    These headsets are permanently connected and therefore all sound notifications from upcoming events in
    Business Calendar 2 can only be heard through a connected BT headset. Because of this, it is very easy to miss an event in Business Calendar 2 when the BT headset is not in your ears.
    Alternative applications for creating event notifications have the option to select the sound channel for notifications and, for example, you can select the sound channel for notifications "like an…

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  17. category

    Add CATEGORY and STATUS elements to Events as specified in the ICS specification RFC 5545 (and updates)

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  18. In the widget BC2-Agenda, i want to have the possibility to set the background color like the color use in the different agenda

    I would like to have the possibility to set the background color of each item in the list depending on the color of each agenda, the same color use in the color box.

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  19. Concatenate location in agenda / list widget

    I would like to ask for a minor adjustment of widget display behaviour, specifically the display of location in agenda and list widgets.

    Currently, if location information contains multiple lines of text, only first line is displayed.

    The change I am asking for is to concatenate all lines of text and display as much information as possible in the widget.

    Attached is a comparison screenshot with Event Flow Widget, that does exactly what I am proposing.

    The first event in the comparison has only one line of long text, the second event has two lines of shorter text.


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  20. Alternative Week View

    Please make a week wiew like it is in Calendars 5

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