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Business Calendar 2 (closed)

Here you will find all the inactive forum ideas (they can only be viewed, but the voting is closed).
They are divided in two status categories: the completed and declined ones.

543 results found

  1. When creating an appointment, show whether there is a conflict at the same time.

    As is possible in Microsoft Outlook for desktop, it would be great if BC can somehow show me when I'm creating a new appointment if there is already a conflicting appointment at the same time.

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  2. 160 votes

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  3. Change color for multiple events in agenda view

    Change color for multiple events in agenda view.

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  4. 1 vote

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  5. I need....

    fast copy, move, drag and drop a single event or group of events from the event or a recurring event.

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  6. Additional "Month View starts with" option: "Previous week"

    I really like the Month View, and it would be great if the current day appears in the second (or third) line,
    so I can see enough days in the future but also a few days in the past (for the context, and to not forget any overdue tasks).

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  7. Ort anzeigen, bei Popup in Montasansicht

    Wenn ich in der Monatsansicht auf einen Tag tippe, kommen die Termine des Tages.
    Das ist auch gut so.
    Was mir fehlt ist der Ort in dieser Anzeige.
    Also Termin + Ort

    Bitte hinzufügen!

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  8. Quick edit

    In Event View, please add ability to touch event title, time or date to quickly change it without entering Edit mode.

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  9. Individual day background colour also in Agenda view

    For example, when I scroll quickly the agenda view I would find it helpful to set a different background colour for weekend days...

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  10. Option to display empty days in agenda view

    Option to display empty days in agenda view - I live in this view and it is disconcerting to press "go to today" icon and go to 3 days after - due to empty days. Much better to "go to today" and scan forward from there if needed.

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  11. Tasks/Events with no Due Dates

    How about the ability to create tasks and events with no due date?

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  12. Be able to change tasks to events and vice versa

    Be able to take a task and schedule time for it in the calendar. Or take an event and convert it to to a task

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  13. Send to Print Day ; Week or Direct Print Day; Week; direct from app ??

    Option to print a day or week of schedules.
    including past or future schedules day or week.

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  14. Add the ability to navigate back to a default view


    My preferred initial view is a "week view" . When I navigate to other views, be it day, month, etc... I want to be able to get back to the "week
    view" from any of the other profile choices.

    When I press "go to", it does not do that.

    Is there a setting that allows me to designate which default view I want the navigate back to using the "go to" button?

    If not, would you please consider adding asap. This is a standard in UX design of applications.



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  15. Add calendar functions for exchange active sync using the app Nine

    The app Nine provides seamless sync with office365 accounts and works outside of the stock exchange sync. It includes tasks, email, calendar, contacts, and notes sync. For the calendar it supports all types of "show time as". It would be great if BC could support all these options (I.e. Free, busy, out of office, tentative etc.) For users of nine with office 365.

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  16. Quicker to the Event-Editor / Save clicks

    When editing an event an overview is displayed first and one has to touch the pencil to edit. Same thing when saving an edited event. The event-overview is shown again and one has to hit the back button. I think that is a lot of clicking for nothing.
    Proposal: Let the user decide whether the overview is shown. When clicking an event I'd prefer to see the event editor immediately.

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  17. Colors fully customizable

    Fully customize color as a color blind is hardly happy with preset colors.

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  18. Templates accessibility

    Currently you have to "add event" to be able to access the "Manage templates" menu. Hardly intuitive. It should be in the main side settings bar preferably, with its own place at the top level menu selection. This will allow faster access without going through too many submenus. Thanks.

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  19. Task widget view

    Currently clicking on header in the task widget can take me to "Tasks View". Clicking on a task will take me to the task detail. But clicking back from that task will take me to the default view.

    What I would like to see is make it consistent with my configuration. I would expect clicking back to go to the task view. Clicking on the widget when there are no tasks should go to the task view as well.

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  20. Show allday events lasting several days only once (but with dates) in the agenda widget

    In the agenda widget, allday events, that last several days are displayed multiple times, each and every day.

    This inflates the agenda and upcoming important events can't be displayed on the first view, because there is e.g. 4 times the same allday event in front of it. It applies for example for holidays or seminars and so on.

    It would be great, if there was an option to choose, if allday events should be displayed only once in the agenda but, of course, with the according timeframe and as long as the event is over.

    Other calendars/widgets already do that,…

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Business Calendar 2 (closed)


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