Individual day background colour also in Agenda view
For example, when I scroll quickly the agenda view I would find it helpful to set a different background colour for weekend days...

Glenn F commented
This is exactly what I am looking for also. You can pick individual day colors and it appears on every view except the agenda view. I assumed this was a bug and reached out to support but they said it was intended like this.
h1ever1body commented
I agree.
Have none of you ever entered an appointment into the wrong day or the wrong month?
It's all too easy to do.
May I suggest that perhaps there should be a colour 'tick' or triangle in the top left or right corner, each Full Day view and also for each Month view?
Or maybe each day and month heading could be written in its own colour.
Bing Translate:
Ich stimme zu.
Hat keiner von euch jemals einen Termin in den falschen Tag oder den falschen Monat eingegeben?
Es ist alles zu einfach zu tun.
Darf ich vorschlagen, dass es vielleichteine Farbe "Tick" oder Dreieck in der oberen linken oder rechten Ecke, jede ganztägige Ansicht und auch für jede Monatsansicht?
Oder vielleicht jeder Tag und Monat Überschrift könnte in seiner eigenen Farbe geschrieben werden. -
frank commented
Hello, I think the calendar is really good. I use the Agenda view. Unfortunately, I have a problem with the individual days. It would be good if the color would change alternately day by day. As the current day is yellow the next day should be white and then the next day gray then the next day again the next day gray again and so on, that you always see when a new day starts. Would that be possible?
Thank you FrankHallo, ich finde den Kalender echt gut. Ich benutze die Agenda Ansicht. Leider habe ich ein Problem mit den einzelnen Tagen. Es wäre gut wenn die Farbe abwechselnd sich ändern würde von Tag zu Tag. So wie der aktuelle Tag gelb ist sollte der nächste Tag weiß sein und dann der nächste Tag grau dann der nächste Tag wieder weiß dann der nächste Tag wieder grau usw., dass man immer sieht wenn ein neuer Tag beginnt. Wäre so etwas möglich?
Besten Dank Frank -
Nicola N. commented
sorry to insist....but while scrolling the agenda view it would be very useful to me to clearly distinguish at least weekdays from weekend it a so complicated feature to implement?
at the moment it is not clear at all to me what might be the disadvantages of such an option...but your app is so well designed that I am ready to be taught something new by you.I also suggest that you could apply an yearly fee for BC2.
Nick commented
Options... Colours could map to individual day colours chosen for background in Calendar view, or could be just two alternating colours. Odd even etc
Nicola N. commented order to perceive immediately when passing to a new week...
(but the same result might be achieved also with a different feature....)