Bring completed tasks to the bottom of the list
According to posts on the Google+ page, several users are mistaking completed tasks are deleted in Business Calendar 2 as they previously would display differently in the older version. (see link)
Now in Business Calendar 2, users have to choose between all or none options regarding completed tasks based on their settings.
Instead I would like to propose completed tasks should be visible in tasks view AT the bottom of the list, as they used to be in Business Calendar 1. Presently, the user is forced to do one of the following:
1) search through a sea of completed tasks which may or may not still be relevant and need to exist for various reasons.
2) change settings to un-hide completed tasks! That is really a step back, hope this will be fixed!

- commented
I agree!
Markus commented
I want the option that done tasks are still shown in the task widget but at the bottom so I can use the task widget also as a shopping list and bring easily the tasks back to the "to do stage".
Ulli steuer commented
Warum werden erledigte Aufgsben nicht automatisch ans Ende der Liste verschoben.
Adam g commented
Why was this offer not yet implemented? You work so slowly !!
nsrajan222 commented
I really would love if the tasklist widget could be sorted by completion. Part of why I love lists is crossing things out, but as I cross things off my tasklist gets crowded with old crossed off tasks. I'd love if we could keep completed tasks on the bottom of the list.
Andrew Jackson commented
I'm finding it frustratingly difficult to see my completed tasks. It is imperative that completed tasks are easily accessed in order to assess what was done at that time. Could Business Calendar please explain if they intend to address this problem.
J Thoma commented
I would like to see this implemented like it was in Business Tasks: a quick drop-down menu to filter All, Done Tasks, or Undone Tasks. Simple, direct, & quick - changing in settings like it is now is far too cumbersome. I need to be able to retain completed tasks that will need to be done again in the future (without them necessarily being a recurring task on a set time schedule).
John Siri commented
It would also be great if passed tasks can be filtered separately from events.