Add custom icons (emoticons) to the set of possible emoticons
I want to be able to add my own icons, e.g. the logo of my employer or my scout group.

Richard Trumbore commented
Ridiculous how they drag their feet on this. At least expand the limited set of icons they include. Just because we are requesting custom does not mean the can't add more icons in meantime. We don't like the icon set. Please Expand it.
Carlos Lam Yang commented
Totally support addition of customised icons or even new downloadable icons similar to Jorte calendar.
Richard Trumbore commented
Does anyone read these comments. We would all like to know if we are wasting our time.
Sarah Abbey commented
Adding our own icon would be fabulous, but even just having more variety would be a big help.
Dirk Schwarzmann commented
Es dürfte nicht so schwer sein, das bestehende Icon-Zuweisungssystem beizubehalten und einfach eine weitere Kategorie (z.B. "Custom") hinzuzufügen, deren Icons man selbst festlegen kann - das könnten auch kleine Fotos sein, und sie könnten automatisch gestaucht werden, wenn sie zu groß sind.
Wie sie in BC2 kommen, ist eine andere Frage. Hier könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass sie aus dem eigenen Google Drive gelesen und in BC2 gecached werden. -
Api Pop commented
Utilisateur de BC2 depuis de longues années, j'attends toujours la possibilité d'intégrer mes propres icones, celles proposées n'étant pas à mon goût et ne correspondent pas à mes besoins. Quel dommage de voir cette application stagner ainsi alors que vous pourriez indiquer un moyen de créer et stocker soi-même ses icones. Merci de faire évoluer BC 2 dans ce sens.
San Ber commented
Mir fehlt auch die Funktion zum Einbinden zusätzlicher oder eigener Emoticons sehr. Auch würde ich mir einen Button zum direkten Zugang auf den heutigen Tag über den Kalenderansichten wünschen. Früher gab es so einen. Jetzt muss man erst umständlich in das Untermenü rechts mit den drei Punkten. Ansonsten aber eine Super-App! Dickes DANKE den Entwicklern!
IF YU commented
Appreciate this idea!
Richard Trumbore commented
This seems to be a simple request? You're icon set is to small. Add a feature to import custom icons. If this is a complex fix please outline the problem.
rob.thornleigh commented
I second this. The built in icons are OK but there are several I'd like to see that are specific to my personal use
Icons to represent various clubs for example so I can easily tell to which an event belongs.
I also would like this from a diversity PoV -
Beate Diehl commented
I second this. We really need custom icons
Susanne Wichert commented
Pleeeeease consider this :) I Love this App for the Emoticon Feature. It helps with neurodivergencies!! Would Love more Emoticons, but even better would BE the ability to Upload own Files, as TEACCH/WIDGIT Symbols are very useful for inclusivity.
Kasper Sandris commented
This is highly needed.
Lots of icons missing. -
Anonymous commented
One of the most needed and underrated Features. Custom Icon in png or svg to categorize the status of the events more likely to the need of the user.
Anonymous commented
I would like to categorize my events but the built in iron are not always appropriate. Custom icons are easy to come by and this shows as easy, popular upgrade to the product
Anonymous commented
3 votes for this one, it's my best desire to put other icon and more emoticons, because sometime, I can't find the most usefull.
Thx a lot, and I really hope this possibility could come soon.PS : sry for my english to everyone.
Igor Santos commented
I would go further and say the emoticons should follow what's available on the device. The categories are not the same as we're used to, and neither the available options!
Christine commented
I would love to have the ability to create my own emojicons. It would be easier for me to be able to quickly glance at my calendar and see what is up coming.
I sometimes forget (my memory is good but short) what emoji I am using for different events as the ones that are available do not quite work for me.
Anonymous commented
1) No przydałaby się możliwość dodawania własnych ikon i obrazów.
2) Sam mam sporo kalendarzy sportowych i dla mnie przydatną opcją byłoby "TV", gdzie mógłbym wpisać stację tv na której leci dany mecz -
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to add custom emoticons. This will make it easier to quickly see what is happening in the current day and up coming days