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Business Calendar 2 (open)

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458 results found

  1. Once tasks are completed, if there were a follow up button to open calendar options

    Once tasks are completed, if there were a follow up button to open calendar options

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  2. Improve the handling of decline meeting from calendar to distinguish between instance and series

    When I go into my calendar and select a meeting and answer no to attending, I don't get a question whether this is for the series or the current instance. Thus, I have accidentally deleted a whole series when I intended to notify the meeting owner that I would not attend a given instance of a meeting series

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  3. Separate notifications (not grouped) for reminders/alerts

    Currently, if you get two or more reminders/alerts, the notifications become grouped. This grouped notification needs to be expanded in order to see/action the individual reminders.

    This makes it hard to get a quick glance of your current events/tasks by looking at the notifications. This is especially true if displaying the notifications on the lockscreen (i.e. using NiLS).

    It would be great if there was an option to NOT group multiple notifications and instead keep them separate (i.e. the way Google Calendar does it). The notifications would still be actionable (i.e. snooze).

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  4. Option to remember calendar for external events

    I regularly book gym classes that are released one week ahead of time through an app, which creates a new event with the same title every time. Business Calendar assigns the event to the last used calendar, but I would like an option to assign it to the calendar last used for an event with the same title instead.

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  5. Fade recurrent events

    As in online Google calendar, slightly fade events based on their recurrence.
    I am surprised there is no such feature, I have weekly appointments and just from the shade, I see there is the same event, ie same meeting, don't have to read the title.

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  6. Add option to the widget to ignore any item marked as Available (vs. Busy)

    The widget has limited space. I want to see only items marked as Busy (i.e. ones that I will attend)

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  7. Title for private calendar's events

    If in your Google calendar you add another Google calendar with the sharing setting as "see only free/busy", in the application you don't have a title but just an empty row.
    It would be nice to see the free/busy information as in Google calendar or to set a title like "private".

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  8. Single-Press Snooze

    When you tap on a reminder you get a list of time options with radio buttons and an OK button at the bottom. I suggest making each of the time options a button so that you only have to press once.

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  9. Integration and/or Sync with Remember The Milk App

    Integration and/or Sync tasks with Remember The Milk App

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  10. Different color shading for full day appointments in weekly view

    To get a more easy visual split in the weekly view between full day events and time bound ones of a day - it would be great to have a slightly different color shading hard coded (just like the SPlanner). When you sync with exchange you have all appointment in the same color.

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  11. Termine der nächsten Tage im BC2 Tag Pro widget

    Genau wie die Aufgaben oder das Wetter wünsche ich mir eine Möglichkeit die nächsten Termine auf der Seite des neuen BC2 Tag Pro Widget einzublenden. Damit wäre das Widget ein echter Allrounder. Ich würde mich über Unterstützung freuen.

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  12. Add a third option for delimiting two events when one ends and the next begins at the same time.

    Add a third option for delimiting two events when one ends and the next begins at the same time. This would simply be a slightly more prominent horizontal line between the two. I find that either of the current options (side-by-side or offset) detracts from the visual flow and can gives somewhat misleading visual sense of priority when there actually isn't any temporal overlap.

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  13. Toll wäre für die wochenübersicht ein Kalender wo die Personenkonten in den Tagesspalten nebeneinander stehen

    dass heißt das man auf einen Blick gleich sieht bei welcher Person noch Lücken sind. Damit könnte man auch Monteure bzw. Aussendienstmitarbeiter effektiver einsetzen und direkt sehen, wenn Kunden anrufen, wo es am besten passt!

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. Thicken the horizontal the line between the group of multi-day events and the rest.

    Thicken the horizontal the line between the group of events that span more than one day (above the daily events schedule) and the events that occur during single days.

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  16. Configurable size of box and single/multiline Layout in search view

    When searching events because the size of the block and text is to big I can see only one event when the keyboard is showing.

    Would be nice to have the size of the block and text configurable in this view to optimize the usage

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  17. Let subtask appear independently in the list sorted by date and in the widget

    I would like to have an option to see the subtasks independently in the tasklist (sorted by date) and widget. Example:
    + maintask (date X)
    - subtask A (date A)
    - subtask B (date B)
    - subtask C (date C)
    date A, B, C can be at different days, weeks, months, all necessary to complete the maintask, thus I would like to see 3 entries A, B, C indepenently in the the tastklist (date sort) or widget.

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  18. Sync unwanted delete events with multiple attendees

    Sinc of calendars events should be automatic when set for multiple users, but optional for retraction. That if one attendant is retracting the others retain they meeting.

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  19. Ansicht "Agenda" Lesbarkeit verbessern

    Guten Tag,
    bitte setzen Sie in der Ansicht "Agenda" den Tag, Monat und Wochentag linksbündig (und nicht eingerückt); genauso wie die Uhrzeit eines darunter aufgeführten Termines. Außerdem wäre hilfreich, Tag, Monat und Wochentag farblich und/oder als Fettdruck deutlicher hervorzuheben. Dies alles soll dazu dienen, den jeweiligen Tag und seine Termine deutlicher gegeneinander abzugrenzen.

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  20. In day view, could you make it into different lines even the time of events are the same, not on the same lines horizontally? I believe i

    In day view, could you make it into different lines even the time of events are the same, not on the same lines horizontally?

    I believe it will make it easier to read our events.

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Business Calendar 2 (open)


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