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Business Calendar 2 (open)

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458 results found

  1. list of templates should be taller

    The list of templates is currently showing a fixed number of lines; I use a high DPI, and this means the list fills less than half of the screen, showing less than half of my templates.

    Just make the template pop-up taller, and try to fill screen. In many cases, it can avoid the need for lift/elevator (which by the way has a very poor/low visibility).

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  2. One-click events postpone

    Could you take under consideration the idea of postponing events just by one click? Just like there's for tasks now.

    It also should be possible to postpone an event +1 day forward or +N days (where N = in settings)

    Now, while tasks are enabled in BC2, I can easily postpone a taks +1 day forward from agenda view. I would like to do the same with events.

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  3. Relocate or increase space between delete and edit and drop down.

    Relocate delete button to the other side of edit. It's too easy to hit delete by mistake when selecting drop down list. Or increase space.

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  4. I want to use the whole year view colored by length of the appointment. But i want to ignore appointments that are marked as available. Wit

    With this feature a could ignore entries like school holidays of my children but a see a planned business or holiday trip.

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  5. Posibility to assign single appointment to several calendars

    To get a better overview, it would be very helpful if I could assign a single appointment to several calendars. Currently I always have to copy the appointments and so they appear several times, e. g. when I have the office and private calendar displayed.
    It would be cool, if it records all colors of the affected calendars in the 'overall appointment', but it would also be ok for me, if it assigns a new color.

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  6. Better 'email all' email subject

    When I click on a meeting and want to send an email using the 'email all' button from the app or notification, the email subject title that is created is of this format:

    Meeting Name (11:22 - 12:23 Mon, Oct 23)

    Is there any way to change that by default? I'd like it to be the standard format for replies, i.e

    Re: Meeting Name

    because otherwise it breaks the conversation view in Outlook for the recipients and starts a new thread. Most other calendar apps including Google Calendar will create email stubs using the second format.

    Would it please be…

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. Have Day Pro widget scrolled down to current time by default

    Expected Behavior: When it is 4 PM, I only see events after 4 PM.

    Actual Behavior: I see the day starting from 7 AM, which is not useful. I have to scroll down every single time just to see the events currently relevant.

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  9. show 'reminder only' schedule

    to have a 'reminder schedule' which simply lists the times, dates and titles of all upcoming alarms.
    I had imagined this to function similar to the 'agenda', ie to be a view option available in the top left menu asking with month or week or agenda (and hopefully visible as a widget too)
    Would be really useful for me, not least to give us all fair warning if a forgotten 'all day' event plan to wake us at 00:00am!

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  10. Control the interval in minutes within each hour an event can snap to when drag and dropped

    Something the app does now is let you drag and drop events is set an event in steps of 15 minutes, ie 15 minutes past the hour.

    Personally I never set events at .15 or . 45 past an hour and only use whole hours or half past each hour. It would be great if a setting existed to stop the drag and drop letting me drop events at quarter past or quarter to the next hour as sometimes I'm doing it by accident and its never intentional.

    The same issue applies when you touch the calendar and long press…

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  11. FONT SIZES: Add an additional parameter for the events for 24 hours or many days


    Add an additional parameter for the events for 24 hours or many days. Be able to adjust a different size of character with compared with the daily events (with precise hours)

    daily events: police 110
    24 hours events: police 80

    and put the events 24 hrs below the others
    Thank You


    Ajouter un réglage supplémentaire pour les événements durant 24 heures ou plusieurs jours. Pouvoir régler une taille de caractère différentes par rapport aux évènements journaliers (avec heures précises)

    évènements journaliers: police 110
    évènement 24 heures: police 80

    et mettre les événements 24 hrs en dessous des autres…

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  12. G Suite Support - Find-a-time and Room Resources

    G Suite accounts have room resources and a "Find-a-time" options in the desktop version and android version of Google Calendar. It is essential for creating meetings in organizations. For being called a "Business" Calendar, I don't understand why this is mandatory in this app to support G Suite accounts. Business Calendar should support all Google Calendar app options, and then some. This actually makes it so I cannot create any events (meetings) from my phone.

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  13. To be able to see what category a task is in with text as well as color coding in the widget.

    The only way to see what category a task is in is by color. But I would like to be able to remove the colors and have the text under the task title. Plus it would be great to sort task by category in the widget.

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  14. Action by

    Provide input space to enter the name of person who has to do this task.
    Subsequently all task shall be catagories based in name of person.

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  15. Centralizing tasks on the widget

    I would like to be able to configure the placement of tasks in the center of the widget.

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  16. Agenda view timeline and photo style events


    Is there any possibility that you can implement a timeline like Google Calendar? I mean in agenda view?

    Plus: Paste a photo automatically when you set the place, taken from google maps?...

    Thank you.

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  17. RTL: Floating Action Button

    Floating Action Button:
    Is it possible to make having it on the other side of the display, an option?

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  18. Could do widget added option to display the date, instead of hours.

    Widget "Day List" - Settings - General - Color box layout - add function Show color box with date

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  19. Improving transition between "move", "change", "create new"

    when I work on a weekly view I can move an event with drag & drop but when I want to change it I need to go back, open and edit.
    Proposal: on the same screen when I click on an event and keep
    pressed goes to "move", if I click without holding down goes into "edit", if I click on an empty place goes to "create new"

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  20. Make it like that Back button doesn't close app, but instead shows a message that one more Back button click closes the app.

    It is annoying that when I click Back button from settings or some view multiple times and the app suddenly closes. It would be better to show a message that one more Back button click closes the app. In the end it would take double click of Back button to close the app instead.

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Business Calendar 2 (open)


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