External .ics URL sync
It would be great to have Business Calendar sync external calendars through URL. I currently have to use a separate sync app to do this properly. Google Calendar only allows for a sync to occur every 24 hours, which is unsuitable for most situations in the workplace. You could really one up them on this feature. Please allow for the sync interval to be adjustable as well.

Stefano Mersi commented
There is a solution via another app: https://icsx5.bitfire.at/
It is opensource software (great!): you add the .ics address there and it appears as a "calendar" in all android apps. -
Stefano Mersi commented
I would be very interested in this feature, too
Anonymous commented
Hello, i still dont understand the meaning of webcal:// calendar , they asked me to do in my website https://algeriahome.com but i still confused
some hguide or explanations? -
1962up commented
Found a workaround: Use another app to solve the problem, just as icsx5, and you can easily add a calendar in bc2.
1962up commented
...absolutely necessary, please add this feature!
S commented
Agreed. Every time I import an ICS meeting invite file that i get from Outlook, BC2 complains that it's not valid
Ute71 commented
bei mir scheint das CalDAV nicht auf,...
gibts noch einen andere möglichkeit? -
Karo commented
Das ist auch jetzt schon möglich :-)
Gehe unter Android Einstellungen --> Konten --> Konto hinzufügen --> CalDAV --> WebCal --> Dann URL eingeben und zack taucht im Business Kalender unter dem Menüpunkt Kalender & Aufgabenlisten ein neuer Menüpunkt auf: Abonnierte Kalender
Diesen dann auswählen und alles funktioniert super! -
[Deleted User] commented
Welche andere Kalender-App kann das denn? Ohne diese Funktion, werde ich Business Calendar nicht weiter nutzen können.
Werner commented
Gleiches Problem hier. Möchte gern eine Doodle ICS-URL verwenden, um diese Termin im Kalender anzuzeigen. Und natürlich ohne dafür einen Google-Account verwenden zu müssen.
Random Follower commented
I have 3 external, web-based group calendar links... but I can't see how to add/import them into BC2. Since BC2 is so fully-featured, I must be missing the obvious. How can I do this?
Robert commented
I want to be able to paste a url into import calendar. I can only import if the file is in my phone. I can only save the url, not download.
Frank Glück commented
Das wäre wirklich ein sehr nützliches Feature und sollte relativ einfach umzusetzen sein. Es ist ja nur eine
iCal Datei auf einer URL... -
Michele Chesi commented
Gibt es da neue Infos?
über Google dauert es immer noch bis zu 24 Stunden bis Termine synchronisiert sind -
Michele Chesi commented
totally agree! the 24 hour delay renders external ics unusable
Stefano commented
that would be helpful. what sync app do you use ?
Marko commented
I totally agree. Also, I do not want to tell google just everything about my life or give them all data I have.
Rhys Ludlow commented
More and more apps are providing ical feeds. It's just a url. Come on guys this needs to happen!!
I have been using your calendar a long time but I may have to look elsewhere.
I have several tutoring classes on iTalki every week. I see them on my desktop (because I can add ical feeds to google calendar) but not on this app. That means if I want to schedule something important I need to go to my desktop. It kind of defeats the purpose of your app if I cannot rely on it to see ALL the stuff I have going on.Lets face it this app is for people with a lot on their plate. If that means we are relying on ical feeds (which we are) you need to enable them to stay relevant.
Anonymous commented
I have to install solcalendar in order to get an icloud acount to sincronize with BC2. It works but it's a bit annoying. I loved Sunrise for that among others things and my primary objetive when I switch to BC2 was to keep icloud sincronization
Anonymous commented
This is a pretty big hole.