Claudio Salvio
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Claudio Salvio shared this idea ·
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
693 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Claudio Salvio commented
I too would like to run BC2 on Windows.
The Android subsystem had become an alternative to run Android applications, but Microsoft announced that it will discontinue it. -
2 votes
Claudio Salvio shared this idea ·
5 votes
Claudio Salvio shared this idea ·
Hello Allen
Going a little further with your proposal, it would be very useful to have a system of variables that allows inserting any type of event metadata (except the description) in the description field.
I usually interact with Google Calendar using functions from a PowerShell module called PSGSuite.
When I use the Get-GSCalendarEvent function I get an object with the following properties: AnyoneCanAddSelf, Attachments, Attendees, AttendeesOmitted, CalendarId, ColorId, ConferenceData, Created, CreatedRaw, Creator, Description, End, EndTimeUnspecified, ETag, ExtendedProperties, Gadget, GuestsCanInviteOthers, GuestsCanModify , GuestsCanSeeOtherGuests, HangoutLink, HtmlLink, ICalUID, Id, Kind, Location, Locked, Organizer, OriginalStartTime, PrivateCopy, Recurrence, RecurringEventId, Reminders, Sequence, Source, Start, Status, Summary, Transparency, Updated, UpdatedRaw, User, Visibility
I assume those properties are what Google exposes through the API.
I think it would be very useful to be able to access them in the event descriptions using something like, for example: {{UpdateRaw}}