Using the Create & Edit View
We think that most of the fields inside this view don't need a detailed description. Nevertheless there might be some points which may be hard to understand without any calendar experience.
Changing the calendar and the event color
Right at the top of the scrollable screen within the input mask you will find a colored bar which shows the current calendar and the corresponding event color. To change the calendar please tap the left side of the bar and it will open a drop-down menu with every activated calendar.
If you want to change the color of the event directly, please click the small color palette icon on the right. In the next screen you should be allowed to pick one of the available colors from the color selection.
Hint 2: If you use our own Microsoft Sync, you can also assign color categories. More information can be found in the dedicated article here and here

The title field is used to assign a title to an event. Typing a title may seem pretty straightforward. However, we would like to also point out to you special features integrated in this tiny little input field. If there are titles you use very often, consider the use of the title history. You can access it by clicking the small button at the right of the field. Please find also some more detailed information on the function here
Furthermore there is the auto-complete function that gives you suggestions for your titles while typing in. Those suggestions are based on the past titles you entered to the calendar i.e. history, on the phone contacts (provided the contact permission is granted) or they may be read out from the saved templates. Additionally while typing, you will notice various icons appear next to the text. They allow you to assign attendees, link contacts or use templates directly from the title field! If you want to find out more about all those features, just continue reading.
Date & Time Input Methods
Again, setting the date and time to your events is quite self-explanatory. However, while choosing a date, please note that you have the action bar at your disposal. There you can not only jump to the future/past dates using the hamburger menu in the upper left corner, you will also find useful icons to jump to today’s date as well as the icon to switch between the text and bar representation, the same as in the month view

When choosing the time of your event, note that you can choose the input method with the icon in the upper right corner. You can choose between the clock and number pad.

When creating an event, you may want to distinguish it from others. You can do it by changing the color or by adding an outstanding emoticon. Next to the event title you will spot the emoticon icon, which opens the emoticon preview. The emoticons are categorized thematically and you can access a single category by clicking a corresponding tab. More detailed information here.
Locations and location history
The location field is used to attach a location to an event. If there are locations you use very often, consider the use of the location history. You can access it by clicking the small button at the right of the field. If the history is empty, you are advised to fill the history automatically from available events with a location from your database.
Please remember that the Business Calendar 2 will automatically fill the history, if you enter a new location. Once the history is filled with items you can use the small gear-button to access the options (i.e. if you want to clear the history). Please find some more information on the function here.

HTML Editing in Description
In the description field apart from casual typing in, you can also HTML format the written text. In the bottom of the description field you should see the action bar with the buttons (if you don’t see it, it means your calendar does not support it). Here you can use classic commands such as bold, italics and underline. You can create lists (numbered or not) and add links.With the crossed 'T' icon you will delete the whole formatting.
Business Calendar 2 allows you to set numerous different repetition rules for an event. First of all please tap the spinner button. A new pop-up window is being opened where you can adjust the repetition rules for the event series. If you picked a rule of your choice, you can also set an end-date or a certain number of repetitions.
Hint: There may be different ways to set a certain repetition rule, for example if you'd like to enable a biweekly occurrence you can either select Weekly and Every 2 weeks or you can choose Daily and Every 14 days. If you want to create an event, which repeats yearly on a particular date (e.g. last day of the month, last Sunday of the month), use the monthly repetition rule and set it up to repeat every 12 months.

Attendees and attendee history
The attendee field is used to send invitations to any guest, no matter if the person is in your contact book or not. This field accepts standard email-addresses or first/last name of a person. In both cases an auto-suggestion works in the background and starts to give you some ideas after entering at least two characters. Please remember that only contacts with an email-address make sense in this field! Furthermore, please remember that the calendar for this new event with attendees should be a synchronized one. Otherwise the synchronization functionality of the Android OS is not able to send the invitations at all. As an example the invitations within a synchronized calendar called "" will make it. Invitations entered into an event for the calendar called "MyCalendar (local calendar)" won't make it.
Similar to the location field the attendee field uses the history function, too. Therefore it saves previously entered content automatically. If your history is empty you can auto-fill it by tapping the small history-button at the right of the field. Please remember that the gear-button at the top right of the history-window allows you to access all the history settings.

"Show me as" - status
The "Show me as"-field is normally used for people with shared calendars. A famous example is the Google's "Find a time" feature. If you are the owner of a shared calendar, you can check whether the guests of it are available on a certain date and time.

Normally your appointments have the same privacy settings as the calendar they belong to. For example if your calendars privacy is set to private, every event entered into this calendar is automatically set to private. If you want to use another privacy for an individual event you can use this field within the input mask of the Business Calendar 2. There are 3 options to choose from:

This PRO feature allows you to add files to your events and/or tasks and easily access them from within Business Calendar 2. You can also capture photos directly from the app. If you link the file to the cloud account, it will be accessible in BC 2 across your devices. You can also choose to keep the file(s) in the local storage. More detailed information can be found in this article.

Link private contact
The feature to link a contact with an event sounds similar to the attendees mentioned priorly. Unlike the attendee feature this tool does not require a synchronized calendar to work properly. If you tap the button, your contact book is opened and you can choose one contact to link with. This contact is mentioned in the event details screen again. Here you are allowed to interact if needed, i.e. you can start phone calls, send a SMS or email to the person etc.

Save as template
A template can be used to save time if you plan to create appointments with similar or the same properties.
Clicking this button will open a window where you can enter a title and specify the fields of the current event you want to include in the template. You can choose every field available in the input mask for events. After closing the template options please choose between the options "Save event and template" or "Save only as template". Now you can save the template and you can use it for every new event. Just click on the spinner button at the top of the input mask and choose your desired template out of the drop-down menu.

Hint: If you like the drag&drop mode in the week view you can also use the special time selection drawer. It appears when you swipe from the right edge of the screen and/or at the beginning of each event creation process (if the corresponding option has been chosen in the Business Calendar settings). This view can be used to drag&drop the current event or to move the other events on that day around. Furthermore you can use the time select handles to change the start and the end time of the current event.

Creating and editing tasks
To create a new task please change to the task creation mode by using the spinner button at the top of the screen. In the drop-down menu please select "New task" and the input mask will change a little bit. Additional to the input mask for events you will find a card to set a task priority. Everything else is very similar to the event creation mode.