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Business Calendar 2 (closed)

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531 results found

  1. More task schedules

    Often I need to create a task which need to be done in schedule but not exactly at certain date. So once it is finished new task should appear in X days, weeks etc since previous was done instead of X days or weeks from a scheduled date of previous days.
    So lets say, there is a task which repeats each 3 weeks, but I can make it earlier or later (for example after 2 weeks or 4 weeks) and it will be fine. Then I would like to have next task in 3 weeks I've marked it done.

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  2. time scrolling

    I want scroll the time in the widget. The days can be set to scrolling 14 days long. Please set the same setting for the time action. That i can set a 24 hour scrolling in the Widget settings (Or make programming a automatic "set ever actually time in Widget" setting")

    When I've a small widget, i see only 4 hours for my daily agenda :(

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  3. Batch Copy Events From One Calendar to Another

    Since i use desktop pc everything i plan is done on Outlook.
    I use sync app to sync between outlook and my phone. But there are events that i need to copy to google calendar which is shared between family so this has to be done manualy. Individual events are easy to copy one by one but what about a selection of events ? This is imposible to be done with a single action. Can you add this feature since it is super essential ?

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  4. 1 vote

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  5. Remove side bar from day view

    Please offer the option to turn off the side bar in the single day view, rather than the current minimum of 25%.

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  6. weekly view

    simple weekly view with date, time, event with short memo. timeline feature is confusing at times to see at glance.

    weekly view 1

    dates can be scrolled (not limitedto s particular week, continuously you can scroll dates )


    (Sat) 1Oct 19:00 dinner with A

    (Sun) 2 Oct 10:00 Gym


    weekly view 2

    shows Monday to Sunday in one page. so one page is divided to maybe 8 boxes, each box is allocated days and memo for the last box.

    not timeline but only shows date, time, event with short memo.

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  7. I want an option to prevent the Agenda view to twice display events when they end on another day.

    Currently when a event begins today but ends tomorrow it is shown twice: Once per day. Therefore such events take up quite some space and lead to a lack of clarity.

    I like to propose an option to hide the second display of such events.

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  8. Filter calendar-items to get a better overview with many items

    I have many appointments for the whole day in my calendar. For example "firstname - lastname - xx days - vacation".

    I want to filter this appointments in Business Calendar 2 to get a better overview in my calendar. I will not hide all full-time appointments from a day. It should be possible to filter with for example regex, another category etc.

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  9. Birthday widget

    A new horizontal widget (1x1...5,1) with nearest birthdays (for 5x1 widget - 5 events) with contact photo, age, days before event and full contact name

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  10. Mark an event as "done" in the agenda and make it dissapear from the agenda widget (not from the calendar)

    Like a task, but rather than cross it out, just make it dissapear from the agenda, not deleting it, but just not showing it

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  11. Quicker access to description field

    I haven't used BC1 in quite a while, but I seem to remember that in it users could click directly on the description field in order to edit it. Even if I'm remembering wrong, this would be hugely helpful in BC2, instead of having to hit the edit icon up top before entering/editing text in the description field.

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  12. color the edge of current day in month view

    Hi, I would like to suggest a change in widget or in app for month view.
    Sometimes is hard to see current day in month view while choosing right color for current day so it's easy to recognize it and to easily see the text for events which are in different colors based on the calendar. Because of the background, it's even harder to find the right color for widgets.
    With that reason, I would rather have a white background for current day and have a option to choose a color for the edge of the box for current day.…

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  13. Sync with MS Outlook's category and colour for appointments

    BC2 needs to sync category and colour with Outlook / Exchange.

    This issues is a deal-breaker for me. DejaCalendar has a horrible interface but see what DejaCalendar does with their tool "CompanionLink for Outlook" on Windows.

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  14. Agenda widget: Revised multi-day event handling.

    Currently multi-day events show up as multiple entries in the agenda view (both in app and in the widget).

    I'd like to see the option to limit these to start and end times. Ideally this would be differentiated from regular events visually (either with a new symbol (easy), an additional vertical line relaying the period involved, or with something visually tying the start and end together, like a line on the right side (hard).

    Once an event has begun, the start time should be replaced with "ongoing", or "X days left" and the event should appear at the start of…

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  15. Month widget with customized numbers of rows.

    It would be nice to let me choose number of weeks to be displayed in the month widget - I would like to have a larger widget on the screen with only two bigger rows of weeks to accomodate theirs events.

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Erweiterung der "Seitenleiste zur Zeitauswahl beim Start"

    um einen neuen Termin zu erstellen, gibt es die
    "Seitenleiste zur Zeitauswahl beim Start"

    so gut die Idee ist, so schlecht ist leider die Umsetzung gelungen.

    Es ist nicht möglich mit der Seitenleiste einen Termin exakt bis
    zum nächsten(!) Tag einer festgelegten Uhrzeit zu platzieren.

    Termin von Samstag 18.03.2017 21:00 Uhr bis
    Sonntag 19.03.2017 09:00 Uhr

    Hier kann ich zwar die Beginnzeit von Tag1 (also 18.03.2017)
    auf 21:00 Uhr stellen, komme aber nicht(!) auf den Sonntag 19.03.2017
    um dort die Endzeit passend einzustellen.

    Sprich ich muss dann die Seitenleiste wieder Schließen um dann die
    Endzeit vom Zweiten Tag manuell…

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  18. Wiederholungs-Intervalle von Aufgaben und Terminen

    Aufgaben und Terminen individueller und auch tageweise (möglichst Zeitraum von 1-100 Tage oder ähnlich) einstellen liesse. Z.B. würde ich Aufgaben gerne alle 3 Tage wiederholen lassen. Es ist dann immer etwas mühseelig, nachträglich nicht gewollte Aufgaben einzeln löschen zu müssen...

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  19. New "+1" button

    When i want to write two new event or two new task, i need write one, save it, and write the second.
    I think that "next" (or "+1") button will be the faster way and the best way to do it.

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  20. popup colors

    Color picker overall as hex or rgb.

    Slider troublesome.

    Colors choose for popup remind.

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Business Calendar 2 (closed)


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