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Business Calendar 2 (closed)

Here you will find all the inactive forum ideas (they can only be viewed, but the voting is closed).
They are divided in two status categories: the completed and declined ones.

536 results found

  1. Give option to see month view with text instead of bars when changing the date of an event or task

    Provide full screen (instead of the slightly smaller screen) month view with text (instead of bars) when changing the date of an event. See screenshot for visual explanation:

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  2. Vote for bugfix to fix recurring/repetition/repeating event sync issue

    Please give us a chance to vote for the bugfix of this Google Calendar Sync issue:

    As there a many posts back to the year 2009, that the sync of repeating/recurring/repetion events is buggy, please tell us, the bug report, so we have also a chance to vote for this bugfix.


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  3. Accept / Decline an event invitation (RSVP)

    See pending invitations and able to accept, decline or tentative (maybe) the meeting

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    completed  ·  Christoph Wolf responded

    New invites view to see, filter and answer meeting invitations has been added with version 2.17.0

  4. Set default New Event template.

    In the old Business Calendar I could create a template for adding a new event and save it as the default. There seems to be no way to do this in v. 2.0.

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  5. Speak my appointments and tasks

    I would like to speak my appointments or tasks, while driving or take a bath with wet hands. So important notes would make sense to handle in tasks.
    Because it's not easy to develope an user friendly voice input method, also a merger between BC and another app would help (as example "Speak your appointment"...kommt ja auch aus Berlin ;-)
    This feature would also very helpful together with wearables, which going to became an hype for sure.

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  6. Rounded corners on Events

    Please can you bring back rounded corners on events.
    I find events much easier on the eye and easier to read when they have rounded corners.

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  7. Shortcut to quickly add event or task

    I need a shortcut to quickly add an event and task. I know that a 1x1 widget can be added, but I need a shortcut to be able to tie to a gesture and a macro command.

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  8. Support for alternate calendar

    Google Calendar supports alternate calendar. If we could add this into BC2, then it would be perfect

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  9. More task schedules

    Often I need to create a task which need to be done in schedule but not exactly at certain date. So once it is finished new task should appear in X days, weeks etc since previous was done instead of X days or weeks from a scheduled date of previous days.
    So lets say, there is a task which repeats each 3 weeks, but I can make it earlier or later (for example after 2 weeks or 4 weeks) and it will be fine. Then I would like to have next task in 3 weeks I've marked it done.

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  10. Due Dates for subtasks

    It would be nice to create due dates for subtasks.

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  11. Remove side bar from day view

    Please offer the option to turn off the side bar in the single day view, rather than the current minimum of 25%.

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  12. Mark an event as "done" in the agenda and make it dissapear from the agenda widget (not from the calendar)

    Like a task, but rather than cross it out, just make it dissapear from the agenda, not deleting it, but just not showing it

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  13. search function

    Search function doesn't search subtasks . Please add this . Thank you

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  14. Selectively hide calendar events from the widget but retain on the calendar.

    I would like to be able to effectively "turn off" an event so that it is not displayed on the widget but still exists on the calendar itself. I have several shared calendars synced to my phone, but I don't need every event on every calendar on the widget.

    Example: I have a standing daily meeting that I don't need to be reminded of, but it still needs to be present on my calendar so others scheduling meetings know if I am or am not free at a certain time. Also, coworkers send Outlook meeting invites to notify others in…

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  15. Outline for today box in monthly view

    In monthly view mode, it's a bit difficult for me to recognize where the today is. In that sense, it would be good to recognize today, if it's outlined with bold/colored line.

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  16. repetition section

    It is recommended that in the repetition section, an option that, say "the 3rd Sunday in June every year" (Father Day) can be set.

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  17. Set background color for office/working hours

    To have the ability to set a different background color for office/working hours.

    Easier to know if the appointment or event falls within office/working hours at a glance.
    Easier to see the available timeslot within or outside of office/working hours when setting a appointment or event.

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  18. A quick and easier way to copy and paste events from the month view

    A faster way to copy and paste events is needed in the month view.

    Something like long pressing the event in the month view, selecting copy and then long pressing on the new date and pressing paste.

    If possible, when pressing 'paste' an option to choose a new start and end time or to keep the same times.

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  19. An additional icon or small app to access the task list directly.

    I would like to have an additional icon (small app) to access the task list dirtecty. Like the old Bussiness Task app used to do. Now I can only access it through the calender app with at least two more steps. Or through the widget. But reducing an additional widget for this purpose to 1x1 does not work because then the first task is opened in detail.

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  20. Dark menu with dark theme

    In the dark theme, is it possible to change the color of the left menu to match? It's tough looking at a dark calendar and then being blinded with a white side menu.

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Business Calendar 2 (closed)


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