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Business Calendar 2 (closed)

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536 results found

  1. Auch beim Erstellen eines Termins in der Wochenansicht direkt zur normalen Editierfunktion gelangen

    Ich kann einen Eintrag erstellen, indem ich oben rechts auf den entsprechenden Button klicke. Oder ich kann dies tun, indem ich in der Wochenansicht direkt an einem bestimmten Tag bei der gewünschten Zeit länger drücke. Dann kommt immer die Ansicht "Zeitauswahl beim Start". Dort möchte ich aber die "Normale Ansicht" erhalten, respektive dies so einstellen können.

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  2. Set the Default Sync Time for Tasks

    Have a setting that directs the app to synchronize at a given period of time for both Calendars and Tasks. Time intervals could start at every 15 min, 30min, 1hr, 2hr, 4hr, 8hr, Daily, or Push (on change from Server).

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  3. Default Task List upon Opening Tasks View

    Have the ability to set the default task list when the Tasks view is opened. Currently it appears BC2 Pro loads the "all" view showing all tasks across 1-n accounts. When a user has multiple Gmail accounts it would be great save the previous filter state. For example, if a "personal" task list was chosen from drop down filter, remember that filter as default until the user decides to change it back to "all" or another task list.

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  4. Add gestures to faster navigate accross all views

    As far as I can see, the present ways to move accross views are mainly the 'day slider' and the menu (and a tap on the month name from year view). The 'day slider' can even be hidden wich makes the menu the only way to proceed.

    Could there be some gestures (swipe, single/double tap) , accessible in all views, to navigate faster?

    As single finger swipes are already used, I propose to use two fingers swipe to do so.
    Sweeping left/ right would navigate accross day/week/month and year view in that order.
    Sweeping up (or down) from week view…

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  5. Be able to change tasks to events and vice versa

    Be able to take a task and schedule time for it in the calendar. Or take an event and convert it to to a task

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. Month view details: Show the end time again!

    In the month view, you can tap on a day and get a little overlay window showing a list of all events of this day, with full title.

    In BC 1, the start and end-time was shown, too.
    Why not in BC 2 anymore?

    Please add it again - and possibly the location!

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  9. Locksceen display

    I'd like an option to show the next upcoming evvent of certain calendars on the lockscreen,

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  10. Fade past events

    Have events in the past in a lighter shade to make it immediately obvious.

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  11. Auto-complete for title and location

    Es sollte unbedingt wieder möglich sein, dass wenn ich 2 Buchstaben beim Titel und Ort des Termins eingebe, mir Vorschläge von älteren Terminen gegeben werden....statt ewig in der Liste suchen zu müssen.

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  12. In Day view, have the option to sort tasks by priority

    The new day view is an excellent combination of calendar and tasks. However it would be much better if the tasks can be sorted by priority.
    Also, it would make sense to have an option not to display the tasks also in the calendar part of the day view so as not to have reduntant information wasting display space.

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  13. Wrap text for title in edit screen

    In the edit event screen, the title gets cut off after a couple words. Can you make that text wrap so we can see the whole title and maybe even be able to adjust that font size since it's so big.

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  14. Day view

    In the day view settings, please give us the option(s) to:

    1. show all appointment details in the day view, like in BC1

    2. hide the "multi day bar" as it is not necessarily needed in the day view.

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  15. Confirm before deleting viewed items

    Please add feature to reconfirm before allowing the delete an entry action when user view an calendar entry. Most application does and this avoid user accidental deleting entry when trying to choose the edit icon and press on the delete icon instead.

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  16. weather data instead 'can' t load weather data'

    I want to get the weather data instead the message "can't load weather data" on the day view without having my geolocation / gps activated. How about a field for the zip code/ countery in the config menu?

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    completed  ·  Christoph Wolf responded

    Option to select location for weather manually has been added with version 2.17.0

  17. bolder dates on widget agenda view

    The light dates works against the concept of a quick glance for measuring the upcoming.

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  18. I want function "month view starts with current week" also in widget

    as described above - this useful function is in application and I would like to have it also in widget. (it will display next 4-5 weeks as it does in app)

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  19. Show Free/Busy times from shared calendars

    At the moment, the free/busy events from shared calendars are not shown in text mode, only in the "block mode", which makes this rather useless. If I want to know whether someone is free or busy, I'd like to see exactly when. I really think any decent calendar application needs this (and most others do...).

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  20. 160 votes

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    completed  ·  51 comments  ·  completed  ·  Admin →

Business Calendar 2 (closed)


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