Locksceen display
I'd like an option to show the next upcoming evvent of certain calendars on the lockscreen,

Sameer commented
Very easy to realize I believe, and would love to see it. Better still, make the next upcoming event available on the Samsung Galaxy's "Always On Display" as well. Windows Phone had it for several years on their Glance screen and I'd love to see that on my new Galaxy S8+
Ercan commented
please add the function to show the next tasks or events on the lockscreen! it is really important and easy to realize.
Kasper Nielsen commented
I agree that this needs to be a thing!
Its so devious to install another calender app, just for this functionality... -
Bruce commented
OK - Current solution is to use 3C for all calendar functions EXCEPT notifications. I've turned those off in 3C and use the stock Android calendar for that purpose. Cludgey but functional.
Bruce commented
Same here. I have already been late to a couple of appointments because of this.
Wesley White commented
Please really consider this lockscreem display, as I really like your app, but this is the problem I have and it is the reason why I have not purchased the full product,
Thank you
Ron K. commented
I agree with Beech_13456. I would like the reminder to pop up like the "Messages" app so I can just glance at it while busy with something else without having to pick up my phone and tap in my pin to see it.
Anonymous commented
I don't see the "Turn screen on when a reminder is fired" thread. I'd like to have this option
Kevin McNally commented
I'd like the ability to look at my phone quickly to see the next appointment when the phone is locked. Right now I hear the sound, but I have to wake the screen to see the next appointment. This would make it much easier while multi-tasking.