Add gestures to faster navigate accross all views
As far as I can see, the present ways to move accross views are mainly the 'day slider' and the menu (and a tap on the month name from year view). The 'day slider' can even be hidden wich makes the menu the only way to proceed.
Could there be some gestures (swipe, single/double tap) , accessible in all views, to navigate faster?
As single finger swipes are already used, I propose to use two fingers swipe to do so.
Sweeping left/ right would navigate accross day/week/month and year view in that order.
Sweeping up (or down) from week view would go to the agenda view.
A good example of such possibilities is 'aCalendar' app.
Arrow buttons could be an alternative but I don't see much free space for that.
Double tap on limited zone displaying month name, week number, day number or year number is possible. This replaces the need of a button by a zone that already displays a useful information and is simultaneously a button.
A limited zone from where to start the sweep is another possibility. Example: leftmost/topmost centimeter of the screen as when you pull down the android notification panel from the launcher.
Thank you

There are various gestures also in BC:
a. month -> week/multi-day: swipe over days
b. month -> day: double click a day
c. week -> day: swipe the day slider/double click a day
d. week -> month: use the days slider
e. day -> month: use the days sliderAdditionally in the settings -> language & handling-> you can set up the action for 3 finger tap.
Laura C. commented
I've been using BC(2) Pro as my default Android calendar since dinosaurs roamed the earth. During all those years, not being able to get back to the Month view with a single tap or gesture has been a MAJOR issue for me.
Please, please, please will you make it possible to go from a Week or Day or Agenda view directly to the Month view - *without* having to go through the menu slide-out? Please?
I don't much care what the action is to switch to the Month view, as long as I can get there from any other view with a single tap/gesture.
BTW, thanks for the many, many improvements to BC2 over the years - it is the BEST calendar app out there.
If there was a quick switch to Month view feature, BC2 would be pretty much perfect. :-)
Anonymous commented
I want a gesture to see month view, like it is in google Calendar.
Marc commented
Thank you for the double-tap tip! I didn't know that one.
Lars Hallstrøm Eriksen commented
Double-tapping already toggles between day view and week view: Double-tap on a day in week view, and you get day view. Double-tap on the day-view, and you get week view.
But two-finger gestures would be a great addition to quickly switch between all views.