Recycle bin/Undo action
Is it possible to develop an "undo" action for one or more when I've accidentally deleted events from the wrong month/day? Perhaps it could be restored from the previous web based calendar, if performed before closing the app.

Pascal Driolet commented
Ce serait super car malgré la sécurisation qui demande si on veut supprimer, j'ai déjà supprimé à tort et une corbeille pour récupérer aurait été super
Ashraf Abdelghani commented
Needed 100%
Ondřej Kočí commented
Please, i really would appreciate recycle bin!!
- commented
It can be that this can happen, if you work in multitasking mode...!
It would be great, if this
parachute function could be implemented... -
Serge Gorka commented
Has anyone solved this problem? Total failure, accidentally pressed instead of "hide completed tasks" ... I'm furious
陳AC commented
Had a fat finger accident, and like to have the world reversed 30 minutes ago. Since you kept all the data, can you make it possible..
matthew commented
Yeah like those temporary undo buttons that appear when a delete has been initiated on my gmail app.
Elias Nwandzule commented
how do we recover deleted items, it is needed.
Mike Auer commented
Would love undo for accidentally completed tasks. Have to go dig around in completed tasks, find it, undo it. Annoying but happens often enough
Anonymous commented
Wenn man einen Termin oder eine Aufgabe oder bestimmte Einträge in einem Termin oder Aufgabe gelöscht hat, dann wäre es sehr praktisch, dass man diese Aktion Rückgängig machen könnte. ...mithilfe einer "Rückgängig/Zurück-Taste".
Mrs. W Hekimyan commented
Still want this feature...
Eva Schiller commented
Hallo Dominika,
Da ihr so schnell arbeitet und eure Arbeit so gut macht als Dankeschön von mir noch ein User-feedback zur weitern Verbesserung des Kalenders:
Manchmal lösche ich einen Eintrag und kaum ist er weg, fällt mir ein, dass da noch eine Telefonnummer drin stand, die ich sonst nirgendwo habe oder ein anderer Grund, weshalb ich hätte nicht löschen sollen: könnt ihr einen UNDO BUTTON für wenigstens den letzten Stepp hinzufügen.
Millionen schusseliger Menschen (wie ich), die schneller arbeiten als sie denken, werden euch dafür lieben.
Ciao und liebe Grüße
Eva -
Doublehp commented
BC already includes a bin; it's just not accessible from the GUI. Deleted events are not removed from the database; they are marked as removed. Just like most email softwares. The internal database of BC keeps tracks of every single event that ever existed; I have found in the DB events that had been deleted years ago.
Recovering deleted events is not possible ATM from the GUI, but technically, you could write an application, or event a shell script, run it as root, and list deleted/hidden events.
All I said is valid for cals that are sync over network. Even after sync, BC keeps a copy of everything in
Cameron McPherson commented
Often repeated calendar items or tasks can be deleted by mistake.
This is of particular issue where the user wanted a history of that particular event in their calendar for later review.
A history of the last ten additions or deletions to each calendar and task list would be particularly useful in this context. -
Agustín Morales commented
I'ts a good idea to keep from accidental deletion an recycle bin of the events.
Some time I delete an event and I have no other choice to build it up again.
I don't recall if another calendar have that feature, so I will be a good way to improve.
Thanks -
Marco commented
Really needed to make BC an app you can use also for business (if you delete something by mistake you need the option to restore it without loosing information).
Ralf Sihler commented
Today I missed this function also
David Morrison commented
Ability to undelete events.
Mick Watts commented
Can you please give us the Trash/Undo option back as it was in BC1.