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Using the Detail View

The Detail View of Business Calendar 2 is a very powerful view. It not only gives you the information about the events/tasks, but also it allows you to interact with them. From this view you can access the input mask of the event/task (see here).

The view is also swipeable, so you can view and interact with your past and upcoming events/tasks directly from the view.

Hint: The dots in the lower part of the view indicate the amount of the events on a particular day. They also show the calendar/task lists color the event/task is assigned to. The full dot indicates the event you are currently viewing.

Using the action bar

In the action bar at the top of the screen you will find three icons: the pencil to edit the details of the event, the paper bin to delete the event in question and the menu icon with further actions. 

Please note, that this article assumes the vertical orientation of your device. You will see more icons on the horizontally oriented devices.

Adding information

The view offers you also the possibility to add some information to your events/tasks. From there you can add further reminders to your events/tasks (and also delete them with the ‘X’ icon next to the already added reminder).The same applies to attachments and - in case you use our own Microsoft Sync - color categories (note that the category card appear only when you previously assigned a category to an event/task). If you happen to view a task, you can furthermore add the subtasks, change priorities and mark (sub)tasks as completed.

Hint: If you add the subtasks from the view, please remember to click on the ‘+’ button next to the empty task. This action will save the subtask you’ve just created.

Interacting in the view

In the Detail View you will find various buttons, which will allow you to launch other applications:

You can dial a number clicking on the link or the button provided

You can open a website clicking on the linked URL

When clicking on the map icon, you will open the entered location

If you happen to have invited  a contact or were invited to an event, you will be able to confirm the participation, see who confirmed (or not) the invitation or send emails to participants

Hint: if you click on a participant, you will be able to send a message to this particular person only.

You can join a video call, if such call has been added and synced to your event

When clicking on the map icon, you will open the entered location. Additionally in the settingsviews → detail -> map view, you can activate the → show map setting option, which will allow you to see the event location displayed on the map. With this option activated you will be also able to see locations of other events taking place on the same day are also marked on the map.

 If you added an attachment(s) to your event or task, you will be able to open and view, delete and add new items directly from the attachment card. 

Hint: If you want to always see the card (not matter, if an attachment is added or not), please make sure you activate the option in the → SettingsViewsDetailShow attachment card.

Finally, if you’re a pro user and you linked a private contact (more info here), you can interact with the person (mail, phone, whatsapp, sms, maps, browser etc). The actions, you will be able to choose from, depend on the information you added to this contact.

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