Set event reminders time as "date and time" for example "2014-05-20 16:35"
In a new event I want to have possibility to enter reminders time as exact "date and time" for example "2014-05-20 16:35". Current pattern "some time before" (for example 57 hours before the event) is inconvenient.
This also includes displaying reminder time in exact datetime format.
This could be an preferences option so that user can choose which method is preferred.

Frank commented
Ich stimme den vorherigen Kommentaren zu. Warum nur für "ganze Tage" ? Bei mir ist meistens die Eingabe vom Datum/Uhrzeit einfacher als das errechnen von Stunden.
Fairerweise muß ich sagen das in einigen Fällen die Auswahl von z.B. x-Tagen schneller ist (z.B. Geburstag > 14 Tage vorher).
Optimaler Weise wären also beide Einstellmöglichkeiten verfügbar.
Das gleiche gilt auch Aufgaben.
Beste Grüße
Frank -
Luca Biraghi commented
I've seen this has been implemented for all day event but I think I would be very useful even for non all day event. Sometime people's events start at weird times X:25 X:40 X:12 and it needs lot of head math to set a reminder 3 days 7 hours 42 minutes before just to have the reminder to pop up at 9:30 of Sunday morning.
A calendar-clock selection as for all day event would be a great time and brain saver. - commented
why not both?
ie 'time before event' on left, and the resultant 'actual time of reminder' on right
would be great, EVEN if the 'actual time' was just a 'slave' variable (ie only changeable in the existing way...) as it'd save us doing the maths, AND give us all a heads up if an all-day event is gonna get us up at 00:00!!!if the 'both' option sounds like t'll make the interface too busy, maybe make it toggleable? I'd chose more info over aesthetics anyday!
also see my other idea, to have
a 'reminder only' schedule
that works like the agenda, but lists forthcoming reminders rather than forthcoming events -
The feature has been added in the 2.21.0 update. It is available for all-day events only.
Anonymous commented
Since Jul 20th-2015....
So and so many hours before the appointment .. this input would be useful when the software calculates and indicates when the memory then occurs. like the given example "2014-05-20 16:35" in the Idea. For the head calculation I need no computer?
Anonymous commented
please implement it.
Stephen Farrugia commented
This feature is very essential, infact I have digical installed for this particular reasons, and I end up using it more than business calendar. Sometimes it is impossible to know how many hours before you need the reminder especially if you wish to be reminded 3 weeks before the event.
Andre Sant65 commented
I frequently have to drop off my son somewhere and then have to pick him up later.
It would be great if I could set an extra reminder relative to the end of the event to remind me to pick him up.
So it would be like this:
reminder 1: 20 minutes before event
reminder 2: 10 minutes before END of event -
Christian Koch commented
Rediculous that this feature isn't implemented yet. Even the default Samsung-Calender on every Galaxy has it build in.
Krzysztof commented
The only thing missing in BC2 to be perfectly perfect is the ability to set a TASK reminder on the day of the task (like in GTasks app).
Chelsea commented
It makes a lot of sense to adopt this way of setting reminders. If people like setting reminders a certain time before an event, they lose zero capability by punching in the time themselves (e.g. for an event at 5:00 pm, just set your alarm at 3:00 pm if you want it 2 hours before). However, if someone wants to have an all day event with a reminder at 2:00 pm on the day of the event, this is impossible - it can go off at midnight on the day of the event or anytime before the day of the event. It only makes sense to set it up to provide the most functionality, not to limit functionality.
Another option that would help with all day events is to have the default reminder time for "0 minutes before event" go off based on the "start of day" setting instead of midnight. I think it's pretty rare that people actually want to get reminders at midnight the day before the event or task.
Jon Ball commented
I would like All Day events to give me a reminder ON the day they appear on the calendar, not the day before. So this would be something like "24 hours after" (or maybe "12 hours after"?) the event! This is not currently possible, but affects me almost every day.
Thank you!
Rob commented
Yes please, I would really like to have a reminder at a specific hour of the day during an all day event.
Marcin Lewkowicz commented
I prefer "some time before" pattern!
I've selected BC2 mainly because it has this feature.
Please don't remove it.I would be better to add new item "Date/time" at the beginning of the "some time before" list, and when you click it, you can choose exact date and time.
Anonymous commented
когда уже зделаете по-нормальному?! уже задолбался калькулятором считать!!
Tomas commented
Bitte Integration individueller Erinnerungen. Wenn man wie ich sich häufig an Aufgaben und Termine erinnern lässt, ist es sehr nützlich, wenn man anstelle zu rechnen feste Zeiten für die Erinnerung angeben könnte. Z. B. Termin um 19.45 und Erinnerung daran um 6.30 Uhr. Siehe Feature bei Calengoo. Gleiche Funktion wäre auch für die Schlummerfunktion äußerst nützlich.
s\cv commented
need need need
Anonymous commented
It is high time to do!
Anonymous commented
Yes, we need a function
Nick commented
Looks like this was requested for version one as well :