Android Wear support
Add the proper attributes to notifications to :
Dismiss, postpone and delete events on the watch.
Show events as Stacked Notifications.

Anonymous commented
I use Snooze Lots and Lots multiple reminders per day for callender events really need to be able to snooze from watch without getting phone out, callengoo works well for this at the moment but it seems unstable on my phone
Carlos commented
Hi, this is Carlos from Spain, I would like pro version to have android wear support, to see my tasks, and to program new tasks, now I receive the appoiment via Google calendar but not the task
Anonymous commented
Smartwatch zwingend notwendig. Warte sehnsüchtig.
tati.smee commented
I am having the same problem. The point of the smart watch is to NOT have to access the phone, but the watch will just vibrate over and over until the notification is removed from the notification panel ON THE PHONE.
As another poster noted, this issue does not happen with notifications from any other app, so it seems to be something that Business Calendar Pro is doing that is non-standard.
Is it possible that because there is an *option* to make the notification require a response, that the notification itself is repeatedly "updated" regardless of whether that option is chosen?
(I see that this issue has been outstanding since at least last June - that's 11 months ago. PLEASE FIX or I will have to switch to a different calendar. I am not allowed to have my phone out at work, which is why I rely on my smart watch.)
Karlheinz Wanderer commented
Fände ich sehr wichtig. Smartwatch wird immer weiter verbreitet. Hier sollte man schnell reagieren!
Fredrik Lager Smedberg commented
I would really like to see improved support for android Wear in your app. To be able to see upcoming events with title, date/time and location. With the option to choose which calendars to show. The available substitutes in the Play store today is not good enough.
Nathan Bodwin commented
Isn't this the same as another enhancement request?
oliynyk.dima commented
Also a possibility of just seeing the calendar-view of the upcoming events...
Nathan commented
I have the same issue with the Samsung Gear 2 watch. None of the other notifications operate this way, which leads me to believe there is something unique about the way Business Calendar sends the notification.
Glyn commented
Calendar support is pretty woeful at the moment on AW. Just having a month view and display of which calendar has the event would get you more Pro users; if you made an AW app, I'd pay extra for that.
Peter commented
Wichtige Funktionien wären aus meiner Sicht:
#Termin-Benachrichtigung: funktioniert bereits - aber keine zusätzlichen Aktionen möglich. Wunschaktionen: Termindetails öffnen, Termin am Telefon öffnen, Schlummmern, Agenda öffnen, darauffolgender Termin
#Agenda: Möglichkeit die Android Wear aktion "Terminübersicht" mit BC2-Agenda zu belegen. Option: Kalender auswählen, ganztägige Termine ausblenden
#Kalender: Monats/Wochenansicht für kurzen Blick auf den Kalender. Fokus auf ÜbersichtIch würde es begrüßen, wenn diese Funktionalität implementiert werden kann. Aus meiner Sicht wäre sogar eine "richtige" also damit auch aufwändigere Implementierung sinnvoll - schlechte Android Wear Kalender gibt es ja schon. Eine Verrechnung als in-App Kauf wäre damit aber auch mehr als gerechtfertigt.
gilles.panuel commented
I soule ne Nice to get a calendar list on the watch using internal calendar and to have view of detailed data of a meeting/appointments
gilles.panuel commented
Make Business Calendar local agenda visible on a connected watch Android wear.
. Show agenda as list of meetings (hours, title)
. Access meeting details (+localisation, text)
. Manage reminder/alert(Example: "agenda wear" interface)
Ralph commented
My I add I it be great if you could create appointments/tasks on your watch. I only know one app so far that can do that, Calengoo. I would love to have this feature with Business Calendar.
Steinacher Manfred commented
at the smartwatch I need to see possibly different calendars than on my mobile. Therefore I want to have a setting like in the widgets to set which calendars should be activated at the smartwatch
Anonymous commented
I use a Samsung Gear watch and it's annoying that I get multiple notifications of the same event unti I turn it of on the phone. I would be nice to have only one or limited notifications on Samsung Gear. It is really annoying when your watch vibrates every 60-90 seconds.
Alejandro Díaz-Caro commented
It would be nice also to be able to mark tasks as done from the android wear. Right now you can only dismiss it or delete it (none of which is appropriate for recurrent tasks)