Deadline time sync with google task
BC2와 구글task는 마감 '날짜'는 동기화가 되는데 마감 '시간'은 동기화가 안 됩니다. 업데이트가 필요합니다.
The deadline 'date' is synchronized with BC2 and Google task, but the deadline 'time' is not. An update is required.

This is problem is actually due to the old sync limitation of Google Tasks.
You could have already added time and series in BC and it has been always possible before Google started supporting it (therefore they were/are synced as all-day; not synced). The reminders are still supported only in BC.
The problem right now is the sync. Until about some weeks ago Google Tasks didn't support time or series. Now they do and surely the sync needs to be adjusted also in BC. Our developers have been already investigating it, but right now we cannot do anything about it since Google does not seem to have forwarded the latest changes to the publicly available API. We need to wait until Google allows it, to adapt the changes.