Option to select the number of weeks in Month View.
Please add an option to freely select the number of weeks displayed in Month View (e.g., 2 to 6). The current Month View displays 6 weeks but I feel it is busy. As you know, it is 4 weeks on Google Calendar.

Andreas commented
Wenn ich in der Monatsübersicht bin, werden mir immer volle 6 Wochen angezeigt.
Ich würde jedoch gern, dass ich frei wählen kann, ob ich 3 oder 4 Wochen angezeigt bekomme. Daher sollte die Funktion hinzugefügt werden dass man zwischen 3, 4, 5 und 6 Wochen wählen kann, sowie bei der Wochenansicht mit 1-14 Tagen.
Nach 14 Tagen sollte es in die Monatsübersicht springen und zwar mit Auswahl von 3, 4, 5, 6 Wochen. Das wäre für alle leicht bedienbar und würde einen enormen Plus punkt bedeuten. Denn so können User mit vielen Terminen oder Aufgaben mehr als nur 4-6 Termine pro Tag angezeigt bekommen. -
Stephen Dewitt commented
Perhaps if we could just control the degree of fade for other months than current, you could set this to very low to achieve what you want
Lukas commented
I miss 4 week view (in widget as well) like in web version of google calendar. If i choose month view so 6 weeks are shown ana this is quite a lot for small screen of mobile phone. If i choose week view then maxim 2 weeks are shown.
Ronald Tin Kit Wang commented
I agree. Perhaps include an option in the month view so that i can see say only 2 or 3 or 4 weeks on screen, as opposed to 6 weeks. If i can choose less weeks to show on screen, each day can have a longer box with more info at a glance (instead of wider box as there are still 7 days on one row). This would be a nice option which i would prefer over week view. Thanks
Nilesh Topiwala commented
I would love to be able to customise monthly view so that only the current month is visible on the screen without overlap of days from past or previous months.
Nico Josuttis commented
YES! The month view is THE overview view. It is not that important that it always covers the full month without a bit of scrolling. More important is to be able to see all events there.
James commented
In general, I like the current month view in BC2. Mine is configured to show all 7 days of the week and each event displays the portion of the title that fits within the day cell.
I have many calendars, so many of my days have a lot more events than can be displayed within the cell for a given day. That means a number of events are not displayed unless I tap on the day and bring up the pop-up display. I have the same issue when viewing the calendars online via Google Calendar web app.
Google's web app, though, has a user-definable "custom" view that looks like the month view but with a user-selectable number of rows. I use this view almost exclusively, with a setting of "2 weeks". Basically, it looks just like the month view but instead of showing 5 or 6 weeks, it only shows 2 at a time. Therefore, the rows are much taller and many more events can be displayed at once. Yay!
I would be very happy if BC2 would add a new view (leaving the existing month view as-is) that would allow the user to choose how many rows/weeks are displayed at once: 1, 2, 3, or 4 (options for 5 or 6 are redundant with the current month view). I would use this new view (set to either 1 or 2 weeks) pretty much exclusively within BC2 if it were available.
Google thought this feature was important enough to add to their web app, so I'm hoping (very much so) that it might provide some encouragement to add this feature to BC2.
Please? :)
Final thought: As an alternative to a new view, it could also be implemented as a modification of the month view with a "zoom" slider, similar to the current BC2 week view that would let the user change the number of weeks displayed (from "1" to "full month").