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Business Calendar 2 (closed)

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455 results found

  1. 18 votes

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  2. Notifications for tasks in the disabled task group.

    Please add the option to enable notifications for tasks in the disabled task group. I need not to see the task on the application screen, but to receive notification from it.

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  3. Samsung S-Pen support

    I would love to have the S-Pen support for the Galaxy Note 8. Its a great buisness phone and works great with buisness calendar 2 but one thing that i miss from samsung calendar is that spen support. I mean when you hover over a day in moths view it shows detail of the day.

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  4. Please consider adding Religious holiday calendars for the various religions around the world.

    Each religion, Christian, Budist, Muslim, etc., has holidays observed by their respective religion. These holidays, rightly so, are not included in the standard holiday calendar. Consider adding a selection of religious holiday calendars from which to choose.

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  5. display time in widget header

    The agenda widget allows one to display the current date. It would be great if I could display the current time next to the current date. (I don't display the notification bar on my home screen, so I don't see the time there. It's not a duplication for me.)

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  6. Please put the...

    The current date on the icon !

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  7. Find task option for tasks in the disabled task lists and groups.

    Please add an option to find tasks headers and tasks notes for tasks in the disabled task lists and group. I need to find and see a task even if it is not on dispaly at the moment.

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  8. Quick change View

    I would love the possibility to have a quick Switch Button (floting action Button) for switching to your View of choice. I often need to switch to month View, but I have seen other Users to need this for different views, eg Task list.
    The change via menu Strip needs too many steps for a fast and easy Workflow.

    Preferred Solution:
    swipe Action (down for example) to "pull down" the desired View, and swipe it up to get back to Standard View.

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  9. Provide a secured sync option for BSD unix and Linux platforms using end to end encryption.

    Google/gmail records, tracks and targets everything. Calendars provide a wealth of information for the data mining operations of Google which now admits it sells every byte to the highest bidder. Please provide an API specification to permit sync data storage on a *nix (FreeBSD/Linux) platform, or give us information to roll our own encrypted private sync port.

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  10. Start am Wochenanfang (aber am Wochende - Start der neuen/nächsten Woche)

    Start am Wochenanfang (aber am Wochende - Start der neuen/nächsten Woche)

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  11. Facebook Integration for Events (like Sunrise previously)

    Just as it existed in Sunrise before, I want to be able to see my events from Facebook directly in Business Calendar. Right now I have to use a calendar for Facebook and Business Calendar separately !

    The minimum would be to at least the events (Attending, waiting for response, and "interested" : not especially the declined events), with a link that goes to the Facebook event.

    The best would be to have something similar to what existed in Sunrise : the possibility to directly Accept / Decline the events from the calendar app, and to see directly a map…

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  12. Desires for future development:That days can be highlighted / marked in bold or italic writing

    Desires for future development:
    That days can be highlighted / marked in bold or italic writing,
    That there are more emojis

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  13. Task with sub-tasks

    I think it will be more beautiful and easier to read, if will be a difference between the title line (the main task) and sub-tasks (for exemle: different size, different background color, tab etc.)

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  14. To choose which views an event is visible in.

    To create an event, once only or repeating, called a Note, and configure views whether to show Notes. Then for example various pay days can be not shown in Agenda. De-cluttering chosen views.

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  15. Ongoing notifications to be dismisable

    Ongoing notifications to be dismisable

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    Bonjour A propos des "Anniversaires" :
    1 : il serait souhaitable, dans la vue JOUR, qu'en touchant le mot "ANNIVERSAIRES" cela nous renvoi au jour en cours. (et non pas au 1ier janvier ou au 31 décembre)
    2 : il serait aussi souhaitable qu'en touchant, dans la vue JOUR, le "carré" choisi, (sans avoir à toucher le mot "ANNIVERSAIRES" ) cela nous renvoi directement à l'anniversaire choisi ou au contact correspondant.
    3 : et que les couleurs soient appliquées aux "carrés".
    4 : Enfin, il serait souhaitable que dans la vue "liste" de tous les anniversaires, fêtes, etc, les couleurs…

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  17. Please allow creating events and repetition by week numbers.

    I have multiple appointments which repeat by week numbers.

    Example appointment 1: Week 12, 14, 16
    Example appointment 2: Week 15, 17

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  18. Weather integration WITOUT google service activation

    Weather works fine with google services which I only use for regular updates.
    The manual choice of location was a good step in the right direction, but it still can't find it until google services are being activeted. The only thing necessary is a permission to access Internet to get the weather data for the manually added location, so why google services are needed?

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  19. PIN to access calendar

    It will be nice to have PIN (password) to lock the calendar for security purpose.

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  20. Allow exception date for repeated events

    For example, for a weekly repeated event. Allow automatic skipping the date if it falls on a public holiday. And additional options to allow entering date that are exemption from repeated rule.

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Business Calendar 2 (closed)


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