Duration for tasks
Just like events

Jean GARF commented
Too bad ! I'd really have appreciate this feature.
Why is it technically not possible ?
The feature implementation is technically not possible na therefore will not be implemented.
Mike Senkerik commented
Exactly what I was to propose.
Either duration for tasks (with separate Due Date) or "Done" button for events (to which add the possibility of a check-list/tasks)
Joey Corea commented
The way I would see it is that the "Due Date / Time" of the task would be the default end date/time of the task duration.
A nice to have would be
* ability to separate the task duration from the due date (I want to work on Task A at 9AM - 10AM but it's due at 3PM)
* having the above for subtasks too (sorry for being greedy :D ) -
Eustice the Sheep commented
Kamil Wojcik commented
Tasks... hmmm... I would like to have full integration with tasks from Exchange accounts/Outlook. There are start date, end date, state of progress etc etc.