export single calendars
It would be great to export, in just one click, alle the desired calendars, in single ics files, not merged into 1 final ics file. That's because, when you restore the merged ics file, all events are restored in one calendar, not in the different calendars that you started from. I know that the alternative is to select every time a single calendar to export, but this function is working in the old businness calendar.

Peter commented
I wanted to place exactly above requirement today. I only work with local calendars and I've got a couple of them. While one can of course select calendar by calendar for the export, this is time consuming and error prone. Never let the user do something the computer can do better.
Alternatively, -- and the more valuable change IMHO -- change the import function to respect the "X-WR-CALNAME" tag and import each entry into the corresponding calendar, creating it, if it doesn't exist already. Let the user choose whether the "X-WR-CALNAME" tag shall be respected, or whether all entries shall be imported into the single calendar the user chose.
Elise commented
I'm back Igor :)
Do a google search. Several that.may be a good partner to use with BC until this is satisfactory for you.Google
opensource export calendars apkAlso look at f-droid.
Forgive me asking. Does it realllllly take you that.much more time to do one at a time?
Ann commented
Google play.....iCal import export.
fil commented
Please see also the request about rfc 5455 compliance, because the exported file should be correct.
fil commented
Also add an option to automatically evoke the export function on a repetitive schedule, ex. export calendars on every sunday evening, or every day, etc.
Wolfgang commented
Idealerweise sollte die Möglichkeit bestehen ALLE Kalender auf einmal zu exportieren (geht schon) und diese Exportdatei auch wieder zu importieren. Hierbei wäre es enorm hilfreich, wenn die Option bestehen würde, dass der Import die Daten in die jeweiligen Kalender eintragen bzw. nicht vorhandene Kalender automatisch anlegen und befüllen würde.Gerade wenn man viele Kalender verwendet wäre diese Möglichkeit der Sicherung extrem hilfreich.