I would love to have this feature :
the ability to see a progress bar per tasks with subtasks and if possible for the overall day as well (tasks completed on a given day)
I think this would make the app complete !
Михаил Зелинский commented
Отобразить эту информацию в виджете as done in "your calendar widget"
Brady Yungmann commented
It would further effectuate the productivity features of tasks to add a Percent Completion feature to the task lists
Larissa commented
Poderia diminuir o número de ícones que representa as prioridades e colocar apenas 3 (representando por ex. Urgente, Importante e Circunstancial - Baseado na teoria da Tríade do tempo).
Fazer uma forma de avaliação percentual de produtividade e procrastinação através da realização das tarefas e compromissos.
Dar a opção de de escolher que tipo de Equilíbrio aquela tarefa criada ou compromisso traz para o usuário por exemplo: físico, mental, emocional ou espiritual. -
Manuel commented
On agenda widget, when an event is currently in progress, it would be nice if it showed with another color (red, for instance).
Also, I'd like the same behaviour for all pending tasks (that is, no completed and with a past limit day/hour).