In Day List Widget, Display End Times for Multi-Day Event
This is a little complicated. But if you use the Day List widget and don't display end times, it will clear up the misleading and puzzling display of multi-day events.
For example, here are the start date, today and end date displays of an event from Oct 25 - 30 when end times are not displayed:
First day - 7:00 AM Test event
Today - Oct 25 Test event
Last day - Oct 30 Oct 25 Test event
Puzzling, yes? But if end times are displayed, the multi-day event is clearly described on each line:
First day - 7:00 Am - Oct 30 Test event
Today - Oct 25 - Oct 30 Test Event
Last day Oct 30 Oct 25 - 8:00 AM Test Event
(In this example the event is not all-day, but there are similar problems if it is.)
The suggestion is to force display of end times on multi-day events in the Day List widget, even if that option is not selected.