I am not able to see past and future events in BC 2
I am not able to see past and future events in BC 2
Please remember, that the sync with Google is limited to events which aren't more than one month in the past or one year in the future. Therefore you are only getting events not older than one month! This is a limitation of Google and not of our app. Maybe Google changes this behavior in the future. However, there is a way to work around this limitation. you could export and import the calendar with Google.
1. First, go to Google Web Calendar online (www.google.com/calendar)
2. Log in to your account
3. Click on gear wheel in upper right corner
4. Select → Settings
5 .Then → Calendars
6. And finally → Export calendars.
7. Having done that, all you need to do is to choose → Import calendars and import the calendar file you have just exported in the previous step. This way, Google will recognize the "old" events as recently edited and they will be synchronized again. It might also work for events in the future.
Hint 1: On some devices you will note, that Google Calendar app may not be affected by this limitation, while BC or your stock calendar app still would. This is because GC is using its own storage there. In that case you may want to clear your calendar app data to work around the limitation.
Hint 2: Exchange has basically a similar limitation. In this case, you will have to go to you the Exchange Account Settings → Common Settings (frequency, notifications etc.) → Period to sync calendar → All Calendars. It can be called differently on various devices, but make sure you find the 'Period to sync calendar' option.
Please also note, that if you use our own PRO function to sync with Microsoft/Outlook, you will not be affected by this Android limitation at all!