How can I customize a widget?
Business Calendar 2 widgets offer you a variety of different settings. This way you may customize a widget to suit your personal needs both inregard to content and appearance.
As mentioned before you can activate various functions in the widget settings. The settings themselves are divided into there categories: general, colors and advanced settings, which allow you to quickly find the setting you are looking for.

General Settings
In the general settings you can decide about various factors. They depend on the widget type, but as a rule of thumb you can assume they refer to the general view of the widget. The basic settings may also influence the amount of the information, that is shown in the widget.
To name just some examples: you can set here the event/task layout, core hours for the widget ( → Beginning and end of the day), the size all-day area ( → Show all-day events), numbers of the days to show and many more accordingly to widget type.
Please note, that in the general settings you also decide, which view will open when you tap on the header (→ Tap on the header starts). This setting is really important as it enables you to directly launch the app in your preferred view.
Finally, in the general settings in the → Calendar & Task lists section, you can decide which calendars, task lists and birthday calendars should be visible in the widget. For example, you can decide to show the personal or work calendars and tasks lists only. Please note, that it is the pro feature for the widgets. If you want to find our more about the pro features in the BC 2 widget, please visit our 'Widget Pro Functions (Overview)' help article.
The widget Color settings give you various possibilities to change the appearance of your widget. Apart from the → Opacity settings (that allow you to change the widget’s transparency), you can change the theme of the widget (if you’re a free user you can choose between light & dark theme, while the pro users can choose between14 different varieties).
Furthermore in the pro version, you can colorize various widget elements: background, labels, buttons, header & footer, today and timeline to name just a few. Additionally the month and week widget give you the option to change the colors of every single week day.
Advanced Widget Settings
The advanced widget settings provide you with diverse and different setting options for the elements, that constitute a widget. Those can be for example the elements of the event list, header, cell or task. Here, you decide about very last detail of visible information. Just to name a few: the event start times, week numbers, current date, widget buttons, completed tasks and many more. This settings are very specific for every widget type. Given that for most of the setting can be decided with checkboxes, we feel that they are self-explanatory and easy to understand.
Furthermore, in the section the pro users can decide about the font sizes for different elements like time or titles.
Hint 1: Did you know that you can change the widget type in any widget’s settings? All you need to do is to click on the widget name in the action bar. This will open the widget selection.

Hint 2: When you click on the menu icon next to the Save button, you will be able to export your widget settings. By that means you will back up all your custom settings! Find the article here.
Enjoy customising your widgets!