Business Calendar 2 (closed)
455 results found
Swipe left and right on agenda for day switch like a pdf
Swiping left and right in agenda mode moves the day displayed back or forth by 1
1 vote -
share button with event
t would be great if you could add a share button, when clicking on a existing event.
Now share is hidden in the menu along with move and copy functions.
Playing an icon next to the edit/delete buttons would increase my workflow, since I share my appointments with clients through whatsapp.
Actually, a kind of automation of this world be even greater. Like in the moment I save the appointment, I kind of automatic share it with that person through whatsapp in contacts.1 vote -
Custom Dates Displayed as the custom name
Its good to see the years passed since the event happened in new beta release... but its applicable only for bithdays and anniversaries. I have lots of other days stored in the contacts which are customized say for e.g Death, ChildBday and so on. Can you also please use the customized name to show back in the agenda view. That would be very much desirable
1 vote -
Move Tasks and Weather to top of Screen
Currently, In Day View, the tasks and weather are shown along the side of the screen. With phones having much more vertical real estate compared to horizontal real estate, having them across the top alows the full width of the screen to be used for events
2 votes -
Choose where Widget event leads
Tapping the new agenda widget takes you to the tapped event, but the old BC1 agenda widget took you to the default calendar view.
I preferred the old behaviour, but it would be great to have a choice in the settings.
3 votes -
Drag & Copy/Move behaviour in Week View
In BC1 when dragging in Week view it would ask if you wanted to copy or move each time. In BC2 is quite frustrating when you misplace an event in copy mode.
Finer resolution snapping would be good, too. For some reason I can only place an event on a half-hour if the original started on a half-hour as well. Otherwise it snaps to round hours.
Also, BC2 is still unable to drag an item which finishes after midnight (as many of my shifts do!)
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Add a Currency Field to repeating appointment groups
Allows for subtotalling in the appointment group of a numeric currency formatted field.
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option to show the weekday and date in the header in the month widget
In the small (month) widget on the header, the month and year are shown, and there is a blank spot between that and the add-event icon.
It would be a helpful option to be able to show the day name in that area, as well as showing the date
"Sept 15" vs. "Wed Sept 2" or "Wed Sept 2 '15"2 votes -
Set on and off times for Airplane Mode
Hi all. I would like to be able to set up day specific times when I can automatically enable and disable air plane mode. For example switch on at 2200 Hrs Monday to Friday. Restore connectivity 0700 Hrs Monday - Friday. Enable Sundays 0930- 1230 etc
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Hide Past or Completed Events in Agenda View.
Trying to only show current and future events in Agenda view (i.e. Not past events). This would allow a focus on the next meeting. I believe it has been a feature in previous releases.
2 votes -
Notifications should be displayed by date
Right now the Notifications when you open your phone are shown in reverse date order (the ones farthest into the future are at the top). I would like to have the option to put these in date order so the ones that are due soonest are at the top. This should be the default or at least an option to select. Putting them in reverse date order does not make sense to me.
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Swipe left/right to switch task lists
Enable swipe to switch between task lists. Currently user has to do this in 2 steps: swipe right to main menu then select list item. I expect this update would be quite easy to implement and make navigating between lists much more fluid.
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Bigger arrow in week view
Could you please add option or make by default bigger arrows in week view for events outside the view?
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better flashing notifications
better flashing notifications on main screen
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Make arrows displaying overflow events more prominent. Floating menu covers bottom arrow.
I'd like to see the arrows that show for events that don't fit on the screen in the day or week view to be larger and easier to notice.
Also, the bottom arrow is partly covered when displaying the floating menu button.
1 vote -
Weekly view
Hi all, the Weekly View of BC2 got worse compared to Business Calendar Old. The main issues are the lack of time on top of each event and events which appears side by side without any reason. The color set also are worse. I sent to the company a side by side comparision between the Business Calendar Old and BC2 and the Old clearly appears ten times better. I strongly request a review of the Weekly View to make more clean and functional as the Old one. Thanks
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Working snooze integration with pushbullet
My problem it that i need to snooze a lot of meeting reminders. Each time i must pick up phone and unlock phone.
I recently installed pushbullet, which is a great and popular application (1 000 000+ downloads on android), great for getting notifications from mobile phone apps to show up on the PC, and lets you act upon them from the PC.
Unfortunately if i snooze a reminder from the PC it doesn't work, because Business calendar gets the snooze signal, but asks for "how long time do you want to snooze". So when i unlock the phone, the…2 votes -
Airview support
The S Planner for the galaxy S4,S5 ... provides Air View Support which means that within the monthly view you can hover a Date with your finger without touching the display an the details of the day are shown.
The same thechnique could be used for displaying menus before the user touches the screen.
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Kleinen Hinweis auf die aktuelle Uhrzeit in der Monatsansicht
In BC1 gab es in der Monatsansicht ein kleines rotes Dreieck am aktuellen Tag, welches die aktuelle Zeit dargestellt hat. Dieses Dreieck vermisse ich sehr, da man mit diesem kleinen Dreieck auf dem ersten Blick sehen konnte wo man sich im Tag befindet und was noch wann ansteht.... Bitte wieder einführen ;)
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continuous scrolling across days in single day view (e.g. timeline)
In single day view, it would be great if you could scroll up/down to change days. Currently, this is left/right. With travel and multiple time zones, its easier to get a feel for different events if there is a continuous scrolling between days. Think agenda, but the hours are linear. Bonus points if the left most column could show multiple timezones (different feature request)
2 votes